Module 2

Welcome to Module 2 of the Boulder Creek APUSH blog.

Happy Independence Day! (July 4. 1776)

This painting depicts the five member drafting committee of Declaration of Independence presenting the document to Congress. John Trumbull was commissioned in 1817 to paint the piece and it was completed in 1819. The original hangs in the U.S. Capital Rotunda in Washington D.C. and the scene is depicted on the back of the $2 bill. 42 of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence are pictured in the painting. Can you name the five members of the drafting committee? They are pretty important folks to know!!!

During this module, you will be expected to read chapter 1of your text The American Pageant and participate in a discussion with your classmates via the blog about the questions below. You should make ONE post that should be a minimum of a paragraph for each prompt with a well thought out response using information from the chapter to solidify your argument. Mr. Pondy and Mr. Walker will expect that your arguments and discussions are based in facts not just simply opinions and beliefs. Learning how to do this effectively will lead to success and less distress on your part as we progress through this course. It is also very important to keep in mind that good organization on your part will make answering questions much easier. How do you do this? By reading the chapters thoroughly and carefully, do not skip sections, captions, quotes, maps, charts, and graphs. Spend time looking at what these documents are trying to tell you and how they relate to the main chapter. I strongly suggest that you read the chapter and complete your required outline prior to attempting to answer the questions below in order to form logical points in your answers. I would also suggest that you read the discussion prompt and keep it in mind as you read the chapter and create your outlines (if you have not already done so).

Discussion Prompt 1: Spain and Portugal lead the European nations into the era of exploration during the 15th Century in Africa and New World for many reasons. Explain at least two reasons why these countries found it necessary to expand their empires during this period.

Discussion Prompt 2: Many scholars place the loss of Native American life during European exploration of the New World around 90% as a result of disease and conquest. Explain two additional long term results of exploration by the Spanish and Portuguese in the New World.


  1. Prompt 2:
    Spain wanted to explore the new world during the age of exploration for resources. They were searching for gold and new spices that they could bring back to spain to trade and sell. Also by expanding their empire they would be able to expand their power. Portugal was exploring the new world in search of the spice trade. They were also using their new technology such as the Caraval.

    Prompt 2:
    Spain and Portugal created many long term effects from the age of exploration. They wiped out almost all of the Aztecs in Mexico. They also helped to create a trading system that people still use today.

    1. I like how in prompt one you talked about the new technology of the caraval. That was a very important tool that helped them to succeed in exploring.

    2. You mentioned a trading system established by the Spanish and Portuguese in your response to Prompt 2. What system is that?

  2. Prompt 1
    Spain and Portugal explored the New World for three reasons (god, gold and glory), but the two most important reasons were for capital gain as well as spreading Catholic beliefs to the indigenous people. After the Crusades many knights came home from Jerusalem , a wealthy city, and grew accustomed to a higher sense of living. However when the knights came home the previous luxuries, (such as spices, silk, soaps, and such), were to expensive to be bought, which was due to the extensive amount of land they had to travel as well as all the middle men and the high tolls in the Middle East forced prices to become to high and caused little room for prophet to be made for European traders who sold these items. These caused Europeans to look for a direct route to places were these items were produced and for easier was to get their to buy these items cheaper. Another reason for exploration was in order to gain raw material from sources such as the Americas for gold and all of their wonderful new crops, or Africa which was rich in raw material, such as gold and slaves. An example of the usefulness of Africa was the sugar islands in which the Portages had large numbers of slaves working on sugar plantations off the coast of Africa. The second reason for the exploration of the New World was to spread the Christian, more specifically Catholic faith, to the inhabitants of the new world especially for the Spanish who's main purpose for the land north of the Aztec empire was only really for missions as can be seen up along the coast of California by Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo or in the New Mexico region. This caused the Spanish to seen in a bad light by the Indians due to the Spanish's cruelty to the natives in both violence and repression in cases such as the Pope's Rebellion, and did help spread diseases among the natives.

    Prompt 2
    Two major long term effects to the New World from Spanish and Portuguese exploration had to due with agriculture and with the birth and death of cultures. Agriculture was effected due to the Colombian Exchange which brought over every domesticated animal, except lamas, that the New World has to day. One of the main animals were horse which in as little as 200 years had reached Canada and changed Indian tribes from small farmers in the woods into nomadic like hunters roaming the plains. Another agricultural effect was the new crops brought over such as wheat, sugar, coffee, rice, and grapes for wine, all of which are either predominant today and or were important to the founding of the southern colonies as a good way to make a prophet from farming. The second effect of the Spanish and Portuguese on the New World was their effect on cultures. One example is the either death or reduced use of language because the two countries either forced their language onto other people or it became more useful to learn Spanish or the language would die off due the diseases of the Old World killing off every one who knew the language. In fact many native cultures were killed of due to diseases because many tribes' elders died who were responsible for passing on traditions orally. However many cultures were also created because of this due to bands of Indian coming together and creating new cultures and traditions from pieces of all the members old customs. Another effect was the formation of the Mestizo culture witch came from the bonding of both the Aztec and Spanish cultures and people witch is still in effect in modern day Mexico.

    1. The Columbian Exchange had a huge affect on the New World. The crops and livestock were definately huge factors in this.

  3. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal had several reasons to expand their own empires. Both Spain and Portugal wanted to gain and secure trade routes and resources. Portugal set up an empire by creating small ports on the shores of west and southeast Africa to have a firm control over the sea trade to the East Indies and India. The Spanish instead, looked for a western trade route which lead to the discovery of the New World. Here, the Spanish would expand their empire to mine the rich gold and silver supplies. Land also was a reason for Spain and Portugal to expand. After the discovery of the New World, Spain and Portugal carved up South America, the Caribbean, Central America, and parts of North America. One of the most famous treaties was created in 1494 called the Treaty of Tordesillas gave Spain all lands west of 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands and gave Portugal all the New World lands east of the same line.

    Prompt 2:
    When Spain and Portugal expanded their empires, they came upon the millions of Native Americans. One of the long term results of the exploration was the fall of the Aztec and Incan empires. The Aztec and Incan empires feel before the Spanish through the advanced technology and tactics the Spanish had, such as guns and horses. This defeat would create tension between the Spanish and Native Americans who had been invaded. The Pope's Rebellion is a great example of the Natives anger toward Spain. They refused to accept Christianity and rebelled for several years until the Spanish destroyed all resistance in what today would be in Texas. Another long term result of the exploration of the New World was the new interest of the New Word by other countries such as England and France. Future conflicts over the New World would begin with other countries being interested in the New World and would shape global history. From this interest in the New World, the United States would be born from the English interest in North America developed by Spain and Portugal success in the New World.

  4. prompt 1:
    The Spanish and Portuguese were expanding their empires during the 15th century because of God, Glory, and Gold. In other words, they wanted resources and trade routes. Portugal began sugar plantations at the Caribbean area as well as other crash crops to send back home which Spain later followed. In order to facilitate these plantations Portugal ventured to Africa with their new found Caravels in search of slave labor and created trading posts on the shoreline for the future slave trade. the slaves worked on plantations and conquistadors were searching for gold and silver after Spain divided the globe with Portugal with the treaty of Tordesillas. Spain followed closely behind and finally after the Marriage of the Ferdinand and Isabelle, Spain rivaled the Portuguese for the Indies. The countries also found new ways to go to the east and west indies through explorers like Bartholomeu Dias and Vasco Da Gama. They were in search for spices, and treasures hidden there to gain wealth and prestige. Most of the ambition these explorers had were from tales of riches and with new technology, demand for products, and feastibility of sailing the seas, they sailed to the indies for better and wealthier lives. Later creating a interdependent economic system of trade routes that was flocking in money for the europeans between the countries Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

    Prompt 2:
    Not all the long term effects of the european intrusion of the native americans were negative. A positive outcome from expansion would be the introduction to new animals, more importantly the horse. When Christopher Columbus landed in the West Indies he unloaded Cattle, Swine, and Horses and the native americans living there such as the Sioux and Apache used them to better hunt Buffalo and later on move out and spread their range of hunting and mobility to other tribes. Although horses were a great addition to the native american aresenal, there were far too many negative outcomes to balance out with the positive. For example, the expansion from the Portuguese and Spanish into the Inca and Aztec domain, the largest and most dangerous native Mexican tribes. The intrusions literally wiped out whole tribes and native settlements along with the unique culture because of how scattered and displaced they originally were. Pizzaro and Hernan Cortes succesfully dominated the Incas and Aztecs in search of Gold and Silver and eventually pressed Northward into the Americas where they fortified their boundaries from any neighboring tribes. The loss of cultures was evident because elders who kept the tradition moving were wiped out by raids and disease and then the invaders mixed in their culture with the native americans creating Mestizos. Which in turn, created new cultures.

    1. Hey Stephen! Good job on your response. I agree that the marriage between Ferdinand andIsabelle was what allowed Spain to catch up to Portugal. I could tell that your response was very thought out and your use of key terms and peoples helped your response and also makes it stand out! Good job Stephen!

    2. Hello Stephen! I like how in prompt 2 you described the positive effects the empires brought while contrasting it with the negative effects. I also found it fascinating that even though old traditions were wiped out there was still room for new cultures to come up.

    3. I agree that the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabelle led to the discovery of the New World. Portugual was expanding east which forced Spain to look west. They agreeded to let Christopher Columbus sail west in hopes of finding a new route to Asia.

    4. Hey Stephen! Great response and I agree that not all of the effects of New World Exploration were negative. However I also agree that most of the effects were negative like the killing of the great tribes of North America and lossing their culture.

  5. Prompt 1:
    Both of the Spanish and the Portuguese were traveling and expanding their empire because of economic opportunity, spreading the name of god, and becoming the king of Europe. Portugal during this time had many plantations on coastal islands on Africa and many trading post in there. They began using these slaves to work on these plantations and continued to push south for the original goal of finding the path to the Indies. Eventually Spain joined in and sent Columbus to go and find this path. They stumbled upon the Americas and found vast amount of gold and silver and began exploring and stripping the island for economic prosper. Along with economic gain both countries wanted to spread the name of god and Christianity. During this time the crusades were occurring and the fight with the Muslims back in Europe was raging on. The Spanish Conquistadores were finding and converting the natives and saying they were doing so in the name of god. Along with that they had an ambition for a better life and to reach the status of being a noble back home. Another reason for the expansion was the Spain and Portugal were both very powerful empires in Europe and wanted defeat one another. A main reason that the Spanish sent out an expedition was because they wanted to capture the wealth of the Indies before the Portuguese did.
    Prompt 2:
    Although the Europeans of the Old World brought many diseases and horrible things to the new world they did bring good thing that were very important. One huge result of the exploration was the arrival of Christianity to the New World. Before the natives had a polytheistic belief system in place and viewed the nature as the source to their holiness. With the arrival of the Portuguese and Spanish it changed into Christianity and that is still in place today. Many converted and that left a lasting affect on their lives and tapped into their culture. Even though this was great it also led to a loss of culture and much of the religious pieces and belief which was also caused by the raiding and disease which killed many. One very positive result of the expansion was the introduction of certain animals and crops to the area. In 1493 when Columbus returned to the Caribbean island of Hispaniola he unloaded massive amounts of horses, swine, and cattle which eventually spread across the Americas. The horse became very important in North America. They also brought Wheat, sugar, rice, and coffee which became essential in their diet and are still important today.

    1. In the second prompt you state that Christianity being brought to the New World is a good thing. Could it not be argued that it only benefited the explores and destroyed the natives culture? Only because Christianity was not an option, it was forced upon the people not suggested to them.

    2. I agree with the arguement that Christianity really only had a benefite to the explores. The way it seems is that the introduction of Christianity had no benefit to the Native Americans. They had lived perfectly fine withoutnit, the only thing it brought to them was war and the loss of many of their people, incuding their culture. Before it was introdueced, they had lived with the land. Unlike the explorers that just took advantage of the land. The explorers may have had a more civil lifestyle, but the Natvie Americans had more of a spiritual conection lifestyle. Treating their land with respect and not taking itfor granet. which to the explorers was un-naturaly, or just obsured to their lifestyle.

    3. (Side note, while you calling it Christianity is technically true, you should really say they were spreading Catholicism and Christianity as a whole). I reread the section of the text book about the Spanish spreading Catholicism and I couldn't find anything good about the spread of Catholicism and it seemed just to kill them all off even faster. But even with out all the loss of life I still can not think of how having heard of or believing in the Bible could have helped them in any way.

    4. Sorry, in the first line I meant to say "...and not Christianity as a whole."

    5. Sorry about that, I agree with all three of you in that Christianity did lead to the loss of culture and that it was forced upon the natives by the Spanish and the Portuguese. My point was more that Christianity is still in place today and a one of the biggest results of there exploration in the New World.

    6. I agree that there were many good things that the Europeans brought to the New World. The Indians were introduced to new crops and animals, including the horse. The horse was very important because it changed the way the Indians traveled and hunted.

    7. I agree with you Sahil when you say that Christianity only benefited the explorers. It was in no way beneficial to the Native Americans and contributed to their loss of culture and had the biggest effect on the New World.

  6. Prompt 1:
    Previous to the 15th century, many countries in Europe were eager to explore and find new places and goods. Spain and Portugal were the first to begin this process of exploration in the 15th century, their main reasons being conquest and trade. Europe had developed a taste for the foreign goods of Asia: the spices, cloth, drugs, and sugars brought home by failed Christian crusaders. This new desire was further fueled by stories from solo explorers, such as those told by Marco Polo of his journey to China. This lust, coupled with new inventions such as the caravel, forced Spain and Portugal to begin the quest for an easier and cheaper route to the East. This desire for cheap trade was a huge motivator for European nations to expand their empires during the 15th century. As time went on, trade transformed into conquest. Explorers in search of trade with India, lead by the notable Christopher Columbus, stumbled upon the New World. Unlike their Scandinavian predecessors, these Spaniards were taken by the rich kingdoms of the Americas. Word spread back home of the new land, and Conquistadores, who no longer had the Reconquista to shed their attention upon, looked to the New World. What could have been trade became conquest, as Conquistadores in search of titles, favor from God, an escape from the past, an adventure, and the ever enticing gold swiftly found they could defeat the vulnerable Native Americans. With rich, open lands up for grabs, the thought of conquest pushed Spain, Portugal, and later the rest of Europe to expand their empires.

    Prompt 2:
    The exploration by the Spanish and Portuguese into the New World was an epochal event that had a great deal of long term effects. The Old World had not seen any of the crops of the New World in many years, for up until the Spanish and Portuguese stumbled upon it, its existence was barely known. Plantation-type plants were brought from the New World back to Europe, changing the European diet forever to include foods like maize, tomatoes, beans, and potatoes. As a result of this trade, the majority of the world’s crops cultivated today originated in the Americas. The trade of foodstuffs was not the only thing that changed the world forever. With the discovery of precious metals in the New World (particularly silver), enormous amounts wealth started flowing into Europe. This discovery had momentous effects on the economy of the Old World, increasing costs by 500%, making banking a necessity, paying for the growth of trade with Asia, and making the building blocks for our modern day economy.

    1. Hey Alexis! You really hit the nail on the head in Prompt 2 with your thoughts on the lasting effect of agriculture. Do you think that America would have flourished as much as it did without the introduction of beans, corn, tomatoes, and potatoes?

  7. Prompt 1
    Portugal and Spain not only wanted to spread their ideas and culture, but they wanted to explore and get rich. Dangerous and expensive trade routes made trading with Asia impractical. However, that didn't stop these countries. As soon as Europeans had the luxuries of the foreign cultures, like sugar, they were desperate to find new ways to get there. After discovering the new world, motives changed. The new world was a blank canvas to the Europeans, who were eager to paint Christianity all over. Once the word got out that there was blooming natural resources, another motive was created. Europeans could visit the new world and bring back sugar or gold and sell it at a massive gain. The slaves found in Africa were also brought over to the new world, as farms were set up with the intention of slave labor. Another reason Portugal was one of the leaders in the exploration was their new technology of the Caravel, a ship that could sail into the wind. All of these reasons combined with human curiosity pushed Spain and Portugal to pioneer the new world.

    Prompt 2
    Not only did the European invasion on Native Americans result in death, it also resulted in an integration of religion, culture, and diet. The catholic religion and lifestyle was not only suggested, it was practically forced upon the natives. Things like the encomienda system were blatant ways to convert people. Due to a lack of women, many European men married Native American women, creating a group called the Mestizos. Unlike later conquests, this was a way to keep some traditions held by the natives and blend new cultures from europe. And finally, new products were introduced to both groups. The new world traded things like Gold, corn, potatoes, tobacco, and beans for things like horses, cows, and pigs. These trades changed the diets, land, and the lifestyles of both the Europeans and the Native Americans.

    1. Hey Dj! I love the blank canvas metaphor you used in the first prompt; it perfectly illustrates the European view of the New World. I agree that advances like the Caravel aided exploration. Moving to the second prompt, I think the ecomienda system was an over-the-top way to force Christianity. Bartholome de Las Casas called it a "moral pestilence invented by Satan." I also agree that the collision of these two worlds had an immense impact on diet.

    2. Thank you! Yeah I think the quote is actually an anomaly for the time period! The fact that the encomienda system was so big could be because it faced little criticism? That is simply a guess though!

    3. Hello Dj! I also really liked the blank canvas metaphor you used to explain the spread of christianity to the new world. I agree that the new invention of the Caravel did help make Portugal a strong power of exploration. I liked how you said that the catholic religion was forced onto the natives of the new world as a way of converting them. I agree that the new race of people or "Mestizos" was a way to combine both traditions into a new culture.

  8. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal pursued the expansion of their empire in the 15th century because they wanted to proselytize, gain wealth, and spread national pride. These were the main factors that led them to lead the Europeans in the exploration of the New World. Once they began to explore, more opportunities to accomplish their goals became reachable. They had ventured to a land of many resources, such as sugar, which they were able to harvest and trade for a great price. Along with the introduction of sugar plantations, came the introduction of slaves. This allowed an opening to the trading of resources in the New World and the beginning of the slave trade. With this trade they were able to begin their goal of gaining wealth and dominance.

    Prompt 2:
    When Spanish and Portuguese explorers entered the New World, they brought with them many diseases that were unknown to the Natives of the land. This proved incredibly fatal to many early explorers. It was not the only contribution to the end of Native American dominance in the New World. Along with the control the Europeans were taking from them, there were many battles and wars over the land the Native American's once had all to themselves. The Europeans were forcing them to forget how they were raised and to assimilate European culture. To the Europeans the Native American's morals were wrong and ungodly. They had created the encomienda system to try to convert the Native Americans to their way of life. As time went on a great deal of the European men married the Native women, creating a new ethnic group, the Mestizos. Eventually the combination of the two groups left the Native American population a fraction of what it had once been.

  9. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal had many reasons to expand their empires during the 15th century and one of the main reasons was money. One reason the Spanish and Portuguese expanded their empires is because the original routes they used to get to the goods such as spices, silk and gold from the Indies and Asia had a heavy toll and the middlemen left little profit for the Europeans to make selling the goods back home. The Portuguese discovered that they could go around Africa and skip the middlemen and heavy tolls they once got and in turn they would have a higher profit; therefore, they expanded their reaches by setting up trading posts on the African coasts which lowered their costs. This also meant that Spain had to find a different route and so they went west, which led them to discovered the New World. Spain expanded their reach to the New World where they could exploit it for gold and other resources.

    Prompt 2:
    European exploration of the New World left many long term effects on the people. First, the Europeans brought along with them new diseases such as the measles, typhus, and scarlet fever which devastated the Native American population, but also caused the loss of entire cultures, customs, languages, religions and ancient ways of life. Another result of European exploration is how they introduced new commodities to the people such as horses, cows, pigs, wheat, sugar, rice and coffee. These things changed how the Native American lived and moved. The horse especially revolutionized transportation for many tribes and even future transportation. The agricultural foods were also important because these foods became very popular in the New World and helped grow America into what it is today.

  10. Prompt 1:
    During the 15th century, the perfect opportunity would present itself for Spain and Portugal's expansion plans; a chance to gain greater wealth, additional land, and better trade. In the year 1405 the caravel was created, and finally, Portuguese sailors could rid themselves of large tolls. The result was a quicker more efficient way to reach your destination, and higher profits for the merchants who saved money on shipping. Trading posts were set up along the African shore where Portuguese merchants bought items such as gold, and even African labor slaves. They made tons of money! Around that same time, Spain began looking for more land to expand its empire. Their search began for the treasures of the "Indies" and instead lead them to the America's. The Spanish found all kinds of wealth! To begin, they encountered agricultural plants which did not grow in the Old World, plants such as corn, potatoes and tomatoes which they took back home, and on top of that, they found gold and silver. The Europeans had found everything they were looking for, but only at great costs for the Natives.

    Prompt 2:
    European impact on the America's was enormous and most effects were regrettable, but there were a few good outcomes. The worst part of it all, must have been the inhumanity that the Europeans showed the Natives. Forcing the Natives to adopt Christianity against their will, which would go on to contribute to a loss of culture. Then there was also the Mestizo race, born from a mix of Spanish and Native blood when there was a shortage of Spanish women. Here is an example of a good outcome simply because the Mestizos would grow into a proud race, which will preserve Native blood.

    1. It's interesting how you show how the Mestizo culture is actually a positive effect of Spanish colonization. Do you think the natives would see this race as a preservation of their bloodline, or would they view it as something unpleasant, because it represents a mix of their previously pure heritage with the oppressiveness of the Spanish who had essentially taken them over?

  11. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal sought to expand their empires in the 15th century mainly because of the desire for more power and/or wealth. Spain and Portugal could get this wealth from taking advantage of the agricultural goods in these foreign places such as spices and crops. Also both nations could benefit from the undiscovered gold and silver hidden in these places. After gaining wealth from exploring the New World both Spain and Portugal could gain power as well which was proven when Spain became the dominate exploring and colonizing power in the 15th century, with Portugal a little further behind; making exploring a great way to improve the well being of ones nation.

    Prompt 2:
    The effects of Europeans on the Native Americans were very devastating and probably something the Native Americans never dreamed could happen. We know that from the Europeans exploring the Americas it brought disease to most of the Native American populations, but also from the perish of so many people many cultures and traditions were lost that could have still been around today. Although the shortcomings that happened because of European exploration there was a positive such as all the new resources introduced that benefited the Americas such as cattle, sugar cane (sugar), and spices not yet known to the Americas.

    1. I really like how you went into futher detail about how the nations could get and got their power. It makes me wounder how everythimg would have turned out if non of the native people where hostile with the European explorers. It also makes me think about how things would have turned out if they had never got any of the diseases, or the new resource that the European explorers had brought over. Do you have any other thoughts that maybe similar?

    2. I like how you explained that power and wealth are almost the same thing. By Spain and Portugal gaining more power after they found gold and silver. Do you think wealth is power or power is wealth?

    3. Well Seth I think that wealth is power because when a nation has the wealth it can do much more things that could help to empower it self like building franchises, and businesses and having a lot of ways to bring power to itself; it is almost like a celebrity mogul who has so many ways of becoming wealthier that in turn, that celebrity has more power.

  12. Prompt 1
    Both the Portuguese and the Spanish were hungry for power. Portugal was in control of the African border, which led to India. Spain wished to out do Portugal, which created a race. Spain and Portugal both felt they were in need of political and economical expansion. They recognized the raw materials and other helpful resources the New World held and thought of this as a great opportunity. The Spanish and Portuguese were in search of God, gold, and glory. They found gold, silver, and other raw materials and precious metals.

    Prompt 2
    Spain and Portugal brought a lot of European cultureto the New World. They introduced higher education, more crops, horses, language, laws, religion, and other customs. With all of these aspects, they blended the New and Old World. The Spanish had many cathedrals built throughout the New World. They brought Catholicism and other religions in hopes of them widely spreading. Higher education also made its way to the New World. Scholars now began to study at universities, which helped create the colleges we have today.

    1. Hi Haley! In your first prompt I really like how you mentioned that Spain and Portugal were power hungry and that Spain wanted to out do Portugal. I completely agree with that. In your second prompt I like how you focused on the merging of the New and Old world through religion and Education!

    2. I also like what you said about Spain and Portugal being power hungry, and how it sparked a race between the two. It gives a different perspective to their determination to expand their empires. Also when you mentioned, in prompt two, the laws and other customs that Spain and Portugal introduced to the Old World, it gives a good picture of the conversion of the Old world to the New world.

    3. Hello Haley! I agree in your first prompt that both Spain and Portugal were in strong competition with eachother over newfound resources, political and economical expansion. I really like how you incorporated the good things that Europeans brought into the new world to the natives such as higher education and new crops because that helped create the blend between new world and the native culture.

  13. Prompt 1: During the 15th century, Spain and Portugal were among the countries who led Europe into the era of exploration. Although there were several reasons for these countries wanting expansion, one of them was a desire for a less expensive route to the rich and tempting goods (such as rich fabrics,invigorating spices and lavish jewels)that were offered only by the East. Between these desires and Marco Polo's stories from his travels, Europeans set out on their voyages in search of Africa. Another reason the Portuguese wanted expansion into Africa was to set up trading posts along the shores to trade gold, and especially slaves. Later, Spain would set up posts such as these as well. In the New World, the Spanish conquerors explored and expanded in the hopes of finding gold, glory, and God.

    Prompt 2: When the Spanish and Portuguese came to the New World, they not only brought with them the intentions of conquest, but also the seeds to several crops and plants. They introduced wheat, rice, sugar and coffee to the Native American population. Unknowingly, in the dirt of there shoes and clothes, they carried seeds to Kentucky bluegrass, dandelions, and daises; all of which still grow in the Americas today. Also, these new explorers brought with them Christianity. The Native Americans already had their own unique religions and cultural practices but the Europeans forced many to convert. They built several Catholic churches, which were later destroyed by the Pueblo rebels in Pope's Rebellion. Despite their efforts to keep their culture, most Indians did convert, even if not until centuries later. The Portuguese and Spanish brought and spread Christianity, which is still a highly popular religion in the Americas, as well as the rest of the world.

    1. Hi Heather! I really like the way you explained how the European explorers brought different plants into America. I completely agree with the plants being a long-term effect on America. I also agree with your reasoning for the European expansion and conquest that the Europeans wanted less expensive routes to obtain the goods only found in the East.

    2. Hey Heather! I agree with how you explained Spain and Portugal's desire of expansion! However, wouldn't you agree that a rivalry between the two lead to a greater drive to expand? Also, I love how you concluded with them having hopes of God, gold, and glory and the reason for their expansions.

    3. Hi Heather! I think the fact that the seeds of Kentucky bluegrass and other plants that were carried over, and are still present today, offer a very interesting display on how exploration not only effects the natives in new found areas but can also change the land forever.

  14. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal were aiming to expand their political and economic advantages through colonization. By building colonies they bring in money through things like crops. Colonies also allowed them to expose their government and spread their beliefs. During the 15th and 16th centuries Spain and Portugal were emerging from the fuedal era causing an increase in commerce and exploration. The diffusion and decentralization of power made way for modern nation-states, monarchs, and rich merchants to provide money for conquests. Fueling this exploration was "God, Gold, and Glory" and mercantilism. The developing of navigational devices like compasses and new shipbuilding techniques pushed the exploration process forward. On these ships were missionaries looking to spread European religions like Catholicism. Spain and Portugal had various reasons to seek out the New World and their desires to out-do eachother made the competition all the more fierce.

    Prompt 2:
    Europeans brought many things to the New World, many of which had long term effects. One major outcome was the introduction of Western religion. Missionaries came to the New World and built many cathedrals in hopes of spreading religions like Catholicism. Another thing that came from European exploration was the system of higher education. Scholars from numerous places studied at universities that led the way to the modern colleges we have today. Lastly, one of the biggest results was the deeper divisions in economics, politics, class and race. With migration came different kinds of people and with colonialism came strict rules, forced ways of government, and the superior European race. These are only a few of the many long term results of European exploration.

    1. Hi Chrissy! I like how you pointed out that Spain and Portugal not only used the New World for resources in the first prompt. Many people overlook the fact that the New World gave them the chance to spread their empire through religion and ideas. You made a very good point!

  15. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal had many reasons to expand their empire, and one of them was to find a less expensive route to Asia. When the Christian crusaders went to Jerusalem, they craved the silk, medicines, perfumes, and spices from Asia. This led sailors to travel down the east coast of Africa and the Portuguese set up gold and slave trading posts there. They also made sugar plantations down the coast of Africa. Since Portugal was controlling the Africa to Asia route, Spain allowed Christopher Columbus to travel west and find a route to Asia. When the New World was discovered, Spain and Portugal were eager to trade with the Indians and spread their religion. Spain brought cathedrals and universities to the New World and were forcing the people to Christianity. In the New World, Spain and Portugal wanted to expand their empires even more and find gold, glory, and God.

    Prompt 2:
    The Europeans and Indians traded many things which resulted in long term effects, but not all of the effects were bad. The Indians gave Europe tobacco, maize, beans, tomatoes, and potatoes which resulted in a large population spike in Europe. In return, the Indians were given new animals like the horse, which changed the way the Indians traveled and hunted. The Europeans brought Christianity and built cathedrals and universities throughout the New World. Many Indians died from smallpox, but introduced Europe to syphilis.

    1. Wow Michaela, ha is a magnificen thought process. I never even considered that Spain and Portugal were trying to find a less expensive way to get to Asia. You alsop made a very good connecion of how from the crudaers craving all these diferent Asian products to leading theb Portuguese to set up gold and slave trading posts.

  16. Prompt 1:
    Thanks to Marco Polo's return and stories of his voyages in the year 1295, European's interests were filled with exploration and new wonders beyond their home country. Spain and Portugal were the two countries that lead the others into exploration in the 15th century. Portugal even made a ship capable of sailing closely into the wind, called a caravel. The reasons for wanting to explore were Gold, God, and Glory, the reasons for wanting to colonize followed hand in hand with exploration, more specifically however, was to spread their religious beliefs, gain power in more areas, and make bank on the new resources they would find in the New World.

    Prompt 2:
    The European nations brought with them many things to the New World, this included seeds and animals. Some of the Native Americans changed how they lived thanks to these new trinkets. For example, one tribe of Natives started using horses to help them hunt Buffalo. Other animals they brought with them included swine and cows, these animals eventually spread throughout the Americas. Another long term effect the settlers had on the New World was their religious Beliefs. Thanks to these beliefs, such as Christianity, the native people were forced into converting from their comfortable belief in nature, to a monotheistic belief.

  17. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal had many reasons for expanding their empire, but the main two reasons include curiosity of new land for power and goods for cheaper prices. Both reasons seem to go hand in hand with each other. It was heard that there were many natural resources in the New World and this created a frenzy. It was thought that explorers and others could go to the New World and take these natural resources. It was also thought that luxurious trading goods that would normally be too expensive to buy at home would now be avaliable at an affordable price. With all of these new materials (including silver and gold) and goods, Spain and Portugal figured they would become all powerful and rule Europe. They also realized that the New World was perfect for spreading religion, which was a reason for staying involved with the New world after diseases and death and thinking they could become rulers of Europe.

    Prompt 2:
    Europeans did not only bring death and disease to the New World, they also brought new religion which changed culture and they also brought new animals. The animals brought by Columbus, especially the horse, helped shape the culture of many tribes in the New World. The horse allowed tribes such as the Apaches and Blackfoots to become hunting tribes that could spread farther then they ever could have before. Religion, which was forced on the New World peoples by economienda, and although this was wrong, the catholic religion changed the New World culture and is still one of the most dominant religions to date, proving to be a good thing brought by the Europeans even though at the time it brought the New World peoples distress.

    1. I like how you connected new land and goods! I had originally thought of the main monetary gain from new trade partners but that's a good point! I really like how you mentioned the Apache tribe as I think it's interesting how far horses traveled to meet the needs for humans! Can you imagine how different the world would be without them?

    2. Hey Bri. I like how you mentioned how the horses that Columbus brought over to the New World changed many tribes. I feel as if that was an essential part of the New World becoming more modern and the first step in becoming a helpful aid to the European nations.

  18. Prompt 1:
    Spain found it necessary to expand its empire during the 15th century because is was hungry for gold, glory, and wanted to Christianize others. Portugal found it necessary to expand its empire because they wanted more sugar plantations and more slaves for those plantations. Portugal was a lead in the exploration of America and expanding its empire because of their development of the caravel and Portugal’s discovery of how to sail with the breezes. Both countries waned more economically. Spain in particular grew at a fast rate in the Americas especially in the silver producing areas.

    Prompt 2:
    Two more additional long term results of exploration by the Spanish and Portuguese were a huge loss of culture from the Native Americans. However this was not always a negative thing, when horses came to North America the cultures of the native Americans changed into highly mobile, wide-range, hunting societies from slow moving gatherers. Another result was the devastation of the Hispaniola population decreasing from one million to two thousand.

    1. I agree that their expansion of the empires was partially due to their developments in technology such as the Caravel! Also how you mentioned Spain's growth flourishing in the Americas around silver producing areas was great because it really shows why they were out there. When you mentioned in your second prompt the the europeans caused a culture change for the Natives it was a different approach I hadn't thought of.

  19. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal both found the 15th century as a prime time for the expansion of their empires and for exploration. Once they started to expand into Africa they found a plethera of resources that could be beneficial to them including cash crops as well as the natives that they used as slaves. They then had the desire to start trading with distant lands such as Asia. The distance between Europe and Asia was far to great so explorers began to set off on quests to find more convenient trade routes. Bartholomeu Dias was a Portugese explorer that sailed aroudn the African coast going South in 1488. He is an example of such explorers looking for trade routes to Asia. As soon as Christopher Columbus came along and decided to sail west for India, he stumbled upon the Americas. Once this news got back to Europe the craving for land took over. This is when the "3 G's" gold, glory, and God, became their main motives. Through this expansion they were ablet to gain countless natural recources, huge tracks of land, and once again they found slaves. Both Spain and Portugal benefitted from choosing that time to expand their empires.

    Prompt 2:
    When the Spanish and Portugese explored the New World they had many lasting effects on the native people. One of the long term results was the planting of cash crops that prevented the natives from being able to grow food. This resulted in a major lack of food so the natives were starving to death as they worked as slaves planting and harvesting these cash crops. Another long term effect the Spanish and Portugese had on the natives involved their relationships. European men and Native women started to get together and eventually created a whole new race of people. This new race refer to themselves as the Mestizos. Spain and Portugal effected the Natives' way of life forever.

    1. I believe that you answered the two main questions very well. You did a great job in explaing how and why Spain and Portugal wanted to expand their empire and explore the new world. You also did good on explaing how Spain and Portugal effected the new world and the lives of the natives. They made it much harder for them and ruined their lives.

    2. I really enjoy how Ms. Perone's "God Glory Gold" saying is not only retained by her students, but practically worded the same in our textbook! I think one of the easiest ways to see settler's impact in South America is to see the different languages present. For example, Portuguese is spoken in Brazil but spanish is spoken in almost every other country, This is due to the treaty of tordesillas!

    3. I completely agree with you! You answered and explained your reasons well. I like when you gave a concrete answer and you provided resources or details to back up to why you believe so. I enjoyed on how you explained how the Spaniards and Portuguese impact the lives of the Natives.

    4. Great answers Maddie! I also like how you used Mrs. Perone's saying of the "3 G's". I never thought that an effect was the new race, so thanks for that! It is a great point because a whole new race was created and that race is still around now.

  20. Prompt 1:
    The main two reasons these empires decided to expand was to find a quicker route for Asia riches and for the three G's (gold,glory, and God). Luxuries of the east were costly and a less expensive route would be preferred by European consumers. Spain wanted to find the faster route to the West Indies before Portugal since Portugal had already ventured expeditions in Africa for gold and slaves. Spain also decided that is was the perfect timing to expand since the kingdom was prospering and they had finally managed to remove the Moors from southern Spain. Now the three G's played a huge part in wanting to expand. Obviously gold was a huge desire for explorers who wanted wealth and kingdoms would benefit from receiving large amounts of gold. Glory was given to explorers who managed to have success which would lead to honor once they returned home. Spreading Christianity was seen as an obligation to Catholic Spain and Portugal as well.

    Prompt 2:
    Both the Spanish and Portuguese spread Catholicism to the New World. Also another huge effect they had on the natives of America was that they made the new race Mestizos which is a mix of European ancestry and natives to America. This lead to a mixture of New and Old World culture that exists today. Both Central America, the Caribbean and South America gained new European languages consisting of Spanish, Portuguese, and French. During the Columbian Exchange the New World was introduced to livestock, illnesses, and cash crops (coffee,rice,wheat and sugar).

    1. Hey Robert, I agree with what you said, in prompt two, about the spread of Catholicism along with the creation of the Mestizos race were huge contributors to the loss of the Native American tribes in the new world. I also like how your answers in both prompts were obviously well thought out.

    2. Hey Roberto. I completely agree with your first prompt in how the reasons for Spain and Portugal wanting to expand was the three G's as you referred to it and finding a quick route to Asia. I believe this can be held true for why any strong empire in history would aspire to expand their nation. In all both responses were written very well.

  21. Prompt 1:
    One reason why Spain and Portugal explored for new land was for resources. The Christian crusaders wanted exotic items of Asia and soon those items(sugar,silk,spices,perfumes etc.) were desired throughout Europe. Due to the long and expensive trip from Asia to Europe the goods were very costly and only few were able to perchase these luxuries. People became determined to find a less expensive route to the desired delights and other regions of supply. Another reason why Spain and Portugal explored was for the desire of power. Portugal had many trading post and Spain felt they needed to become more powerful so they went for the west.
    Prompt 2:
    Two other major effects that Spain and Portugal brought to the New Work was a change in Native culture and agriculture. Culture was changed because of the forcing of European culture on to the natives. Agriculture changed because Europe introduced new animals and crops to the New World. Horses were brought and in as little ad 200 years they reached Canada. Horses also provided a means of transportation. Crops such as sugar, wheat, rice, grapes, and coffee were introduced and some are still prominent today.

    1. Hello Gabrielle I agree with the Christian cruaders being the ones who brought the exotic items to westren Europe. Without the findings of these lurxary items I don't believe that exploration would of been a high priorty besdies the fact of wanting to conquer more lands to be more powerful. As for prompt two, horses did play a main role in advacing transporation mainly for the native americans. The crops that were introduced played a large role back then to as potatoes were a major role in the diet of the Europeans.

  22. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal’s exploration and expansion westward were driven by a few key factors. The most important incentive was economic; Spain and Portugal wanted access to lucrative Chinese and Indian Ocean trade networks without having to trade through Italian and Muslim middlemen. Because it was costly and difficult to sail around the southern tip of Africa, these two countries decided to attempt to find an alternate route to the Chinese and Indian coastlines. Another major reason for Spain and Portugal’s expansion westward was ongoing completion between European nations for prestige and power. Spain and Portugal felt threatened by the powerful trading networks and colonies possessed by other European nations, and that feeling drove I exploration and expansion to the Americas.

    Prompt 2:
    The exploration and settling of the New World by the Spanish and the Portuguese had lasting consequences. The demographic changes on the continent were astonishingly quick and thorough. Due to immigration, the slave trade, and, above all, the introduction of European diseases, native populations plummeted while European and African populations flourished. In the course of a few centuries, the American continent went from predominantly Native American to predominantly European – a change, begun by the Spanish and Portuguese, that lasts to this day. Another result caused by European exploration on the American continent was the blending of European and native cultures. The Christianization of the continent was a particularly important change.

    1. Hey Alex! I loved your voice in the 1st prompt and how you got right to the point of the question. You answered both of the prompts so well! I thought it was interesting how you brought up the difficulty of sailing around the southern tip of Africa for Europeans. I had forgotten this fact and the intensity of it's impact on Spain and Portugal to colonize and move westward.
      I agree with your 2nd prompt when you commented on the important change Christianity brought to the American continent. How do you think life would be different today if the Spaniards hadn't had such an urge to spread their religios beliefs?

    2. Thanks :) getting to the point of an essay question quickly is something Mrs Perone drilled into our heads during WHAP last year.
      Life on the continent today would be SO different if the Spanish hadn't tried to integrate Christianity and other aspects of their culture with the native populations! It's hard to extrapolate hundreds of years into the future, but I'd guess that without Christianity acting to hold Native American and European populations together (among other things; intermarriage between the Spanish and the natives also had this effect, for example) the Americas would be composed mainly of smaller tribal nations (a lot like Africa) instead of larger, predominantly Spanish-speaking nation-states. How do you think the Americas would be different without Christianity?

  23. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal dominated world exploration in the 15th century. Their bold and innovative tactics helped expand their empires and put them in an enormous position of power in relation to the rest of Europe and perhaps the world. Spain and Portugal explored land for two main reasons: cheaper goods, and power. Europe at the time had a growing desire for Asian and Eastern goods such as silk, medicine, and spices. These goods were extremely expensive, and as they were far away, the journey to get the goods to Europe was a long and difficult one. As Portugal made a caravel and started charting winds for travel by sea, they decided to try to find a quicker route to India, through the southern tip of Africa. When Bartholomeu Dias reached the tip in 1488, Vasco da Gama reached India via the same southern route in 1498. Spain thought they could find a way to India going westward, when Christopher Columbus reached what he thought was India in 1492, which was in actuality the Bahamas. Spain and Portugal tried to gain power by finding a better route to the Indies, when they stumbled upon a new landmass, which would ultimately give them short-lived power.

    Prompt 2:
    When Spain and Portugal laid claim to the Americas, or the "New World", they affected the land in many ways. Through the Columbian Exchange, the "Old World" introduced crops that were not yet familiar to the land of the Americas. Horses changed the land forever, creating a mode of transportation. They also brought new technology such as guns and steel to the "New World". When the "Old World" brought new ideas to the "New World", the process was reciprocated and the "New World" provided the "Old World" with ideas as well.

    1. I think your reply is well thought out and has good viewpoint on the fact that the "new world" affected the "old world". I find that by mentioning some of the small facts you gave the "bigger picture" more definition. Good job.

    2. I agree with Michael. Very well explained and well defined. I do have a question for you. What ideas do you think the "Old World" brought to the "New World"?

    3. Hey Sierra your thoughts on what the Old World brought to the new New World were very good to point out. I wanted to point out to you that a huge difference between Spanish and Portuguese settlement and English settlement was that the English did not take in account the natives. The English remained mostly at disagreeable terms with the natives while the Spanish and Portuguese took advantage of the natives and used them for labor to feed their country's economy. I wanted to point that out to you because that sounds like a possible "compare and contrast" essay we could have this year.

  24. Prompt 1:
    During the 15th century, Spain and Portugal had multiple reasons to explore and locate new areas. Being the leading explorers of their time, they set out on the behalf of God, Gold, and Glory. The discovery of precious metals and the spread of Christianity would be a more powerful incentive for further expansion in newly discovered areas. Also, the desire to colonize in these areas spike the interest of explorers. Being able to gain power and control in certain locations while cashing in on their resources from newly discovered cheaper trading routes would prove to be an economic success for these developing countries

    Prompt 2:
    While discovering the New World, Europeans brought many things along with them: some good, some bad. Europeans introduced their ideas and views on religion, bringing Christianity to the New World and forcing people to convert from their normal, comfortable lifestyles. Also, upon reaching the New World, explorers and mariners were without company for long periods of time and pursued relations with the Natives. The interaction of the two groups brought smallpox and other diseases to the New World, while syphilis was carried back to Europe. On a lighter subject, the Indians and Europeans traded things like tobacco, maize and potatoes changing the European diet while the Indians were given horses, changing their methods of hunting and transportation.

    1. Hello Will! I think you answered the 1st prompt very well. I also talked about "God, Gold, and Glory" in my response to this prompt. I think that was most definitley the main reasons for Spain and Portugal's conquest. The time period was all about finding new raw materials, and having the glory of expanding empires. One of the main reasons for their exploration was also mission work and that is the one that always slips my mind when I'm thinking about this time in our history. Out of those three reasons, which stands out most to you?

    2. I completely agree with you when it came to the Spaniards and the Portuguese having a huge impact on the Natives. Such as the reasons you have gave, i think you explained both prompts very nicely.

    3. Hey Will! I really enjoyed the way you answered Prompt 1! I liked how you said that the desire the colonize spiked interest of explorers. I never really thought to look at it that way! I liked your response for Prompt 2 as well! How you brought up the relations between the Natives and the Europeans is a good point on how they originally became intermixed with other groups.

    4. Hey Will, I like how you mentioned how the horses transformed the Indians methods of hunting and transportation because that is one of the most important things the Indians gained from the Europeans. I also agree that spreading Christianity was one of the most important reasons why the Europeans wanted to explore new places.

  25. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal were looking to expand their empires to create a more fluent path on their journey for resources and trade routes which could help boost their economic success. God, Gold and Glory had been exactly what their adventures had been been fueled by. The two countries had craved wealth and power and that could be achieved by creating a quicker and stronger trade route they could profit off of for a long time. Trade between the Spanish and the east had been costly and the European merchants weren't satisfied with the small profit. Spain and Portugal had been tasked by the church for the spread of Christianity along their journey for economic success and power. Portugal had been expanding its slave powered sugar plantations in order to compete in part with Spain and their rapid journey to the eastern trade routes.

    Prompt 2:
    Long term results from the Spanish and Portuguese exploration to the new world had mostly been in relation to economic aid and colonization. The opening of the Americas to European colonization had been a huge impact on the new world because now it had been full of European customs and the economic success had boosted once their empire had expanded. Following the exploration of the New World, vast wealth had been brought to Europe in the form of Gold, Silver and other valuable resources which fundamentally changed the economy of Europe.

  26. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal played as competitors in expanding their empires during the 15th century. It was a great time for them to grow, as people were becoming curious as to what was outside of their comfortable European world. This utter curiosity progressed into the desire to explore, and since Portugal already went eastward, Spain decided to sail to the west. These European countries were in search for the goods of Asia (silk, drugs, perfumes, spices, sugar) without the Muslim middleman markups and unsteady transport. In addition, the European governments wanted contact with a wider world, instead of just their nearby neighbors. With more allies on their sides, they could possibly work together to create an even greater empire with a prospering economy and newfound settlements.

    Prompt 2:
    Beside the devestating population decrease among the New World natives, the Spanish and Portuguese explorers introduced some long term changes to the lands and inhabitants. The Spaniards brought over their language of Spanish to Mexico, which is still predominantly spoken there, with some minor variations. Since the "conquistadores" killed off a majority of the native tribes and established communities, the previous peoples' languages were therefore slowly becoming extinct as the Spanish tongue took over. Also, the Europeans forced religion into the New World. They were set out to Christianize and constructed churches for the natives and themselves to attend. Although some of the natives did indeed revolt during the Pope's Rebellion, Christianity continues to be practiced in the Americas today.

    1. Lauren, your such a genious your so incredibly right about the Spanisah language thats an aspect that never even crossed my mind. Your just so brilliant Lauren. The fact that Spainsih still continues to be the dominate language is clearly a perminant result of the Spaniards coming to the Americas.

    2. Lauren, I think your answer is very factual! I wonder how long it would've taken for the Americas to be discovered if Spain and Portugal didn't have these types of incentives for exploration.

  27. Prompt 1:
    The Spanish and Portuguese lead the European nations in the exploration era for two main reasons; to find a quicker trade route to the "Indies" and to find easy labor workers (slaves) to work on their plantations. Once the Europeans started trading with Asia, after many stops for the goods to reach Europe, each stop had a markup in the price and once it reached Europe the price was very high and only the wealthiest people could afford them. Over time the Europeans wanted to fulfill their taste for luxory Asian silks and taste for sweets which lead to the desire to find a quicker and more efficient trade route to Asia. In addition, the plantations were in need of labor to tend to the complicated sugar cane plants. The triangle trade routes provided slaves from Africa to America to the wealthy land owners that owned large plantations. Over time the slave population was 4:1 to the white men and their population dominated for a long time.

    Prompt 2:

    There were many positive affects from the European exploration of the new worlds. One main effect from this is the diversity of people. The European settlers started to procreate with the natives and slaves which started to blend the different ethnic backgrounds and create a more diverse population instead of white man and native. Now, the diversity of people is infinite all because of the white European settlers starting to procreate with different groups of people. Another long term effect is the introduction of Christianity to the native groups of people and the blending of religions. The European settlers brought missionaries to share their beliefs of god and religion which blended into the religion of the native people.

    1. Hi Tyler. I like how you showed a statistic in Prompt 1 and also how you explained very well. You are right about the infinite diversity in Prompt 2. It was very well put together and had good answers.

  28. Prompt 1:
    The Spanish and Portuguese led European exploration in the New World because they were the first to discover it when they tries to find a shorter route to India. They continued to explore after they realized they were wrong because they saw that the new land was bountiful with natural resources that they could sell at a high price back in Europe and they would bring much glory to their countries with these new riches. Furthermore, they met the natives of this new land and decided that it was their right to enslave them and their duty to convert them to christianity. As time progressed, the demand for these goods and slaves increased and therefore, Spain and Portugal had to increase the number of ports and ships to go between. This European addiction, greed, and dependence on New World resources was the main reason Spain and Portugal continue to spread their empires.

    Prompt 2:
    Not all of Spain and Portugal's effects on the New World were negative. In fact, there were many positive effects. For one, the Europeans brought new crops that thrived in the New World and made agriculture even easier. Also, they brought horses across the Atlantic which were extremely useful as pack animals, work animals, transportation, and instruments of war. Besides bringing goods to the New World, they also brought "civilization", religion, and established successful trade routes between Europe and the Americas. Finally, the most obvious and long lasting result of their exploration is that, without them, none of us would be living here. More than likely, we wouldn't exist. Or if we did, we would still be living somewhere in Europe and we would never know about what we are missing in the Americas.

    1. Hey Ryan! Your ideas are well put together and make a lot of sense. You referenced "European addiction", and I was wondering if you think that the fact that so many countries were after the New World had any affect on the scale of the trade, slavery, and the pace of invasion? Personally, I think that the "need" for the New World was more about keeping other countries from being monopolistic, and the positivce effects just came with keeping others out.

  29. Prompt 1:
    The Spanish and Portuguese had numerous reasons for expanding their empires, but two main reasons are looking for cheaper prices for goods and an interest of new land for power. When the failed crusaders came back to their homelands, the luxurious goods that they were used to, that previously were too expensive to purchase, were now available at a manageable price. Spain and Portugal thought they could evolve into all powerful empires and rule Europe. The New World was said to have many natural resources which initiated an outburst. Many people thought that explorers and others could enter the New World and snatch the natural resources.

    Prompt 2:
    Spain and Portugal came across Native Americans when they looked to expand their empires. One outcome of the exploration was the fall of the Incan and Aztec empires. Because of the advanced technology and strategies of the Spanish, the two empires crashed. This conquest created tension between the invaded Native Americans and the Spanish. Europeans forced religion into the New World. They were told to build and Christainize churches for themselves and the Native Americans to go to. Christianity is still practiced by Americans in today's society, even though some of the natives revolted against it.

  30. Prompt 1:
    Exploration during the 15th century was dominated by Spain and Portugal. These European nations wanted wealth,but also a cheaper route to the East, and to spread the catholic church. In 1458, Vasco da Gama reached India after the long journey around Africa. The African journey was a dangerous, long, and the Portuguese had already set up many trading ports on the coas; so the Spainish wanted to find another route. The Spanish decided to travel West. Christopher Colombus, with the Spanish monarch's help, reached the Americas and mistakingly thought it was India. Even though this wasn't an accurate discovery it was one of the most important. This new contintent fufullied most of the goals of the Spanish and Portuguese and the gained more than they could have ever expected.

    Prompt 2:
    The Spanish and Portuguese explorations of the New World decreased the native population of the Americas; also it brought loss of culture, but new agriculture for the New and Old Worlds. DUe to the life lost entire civilizations were gone along with their cultures. Many Elders of the tribes were killed along with they stories and traditions from the past. The survivors could not maintain what was left of their culture, and it was soon forgotten. There were some positives of the explorations and one was agriculture. The Europeans brought with them large animals that made it much easier for the Native Americans to farm. The Europeans benefited more with agriculture though. They were introduced to maize, beans, tomato, potato, and tobacco; plants that changed the Old World diet drastically. The Spainish and Portuguese Explorations left many lasting effects on the world, and many are still present today.

    1. You did a very good job answering the second prompt. Many people only think that "culture" dies out but most don't realize that most of the peoples of that time died along with it. Also,in prompt one, I liked how you brought up Christopher Columbus' find of India because many people, including myself, do not understand the importance of his "mistaken" discovery. Good Job!

  31. Prompt 1: Spain and Portugal had many reasons why these countries found it necessary to expand there empires during the 15th century in Africa and the New World. One of the reasons for the expansion in Africa was for the sole purpose of purchasing slaves and gold. The slave trade became a prominent business allowing for commercial agriculture, such as work in the sugar mills and plantations. Well finding the new world was a successful failure, the reason for sailing on the west side of European waters was to find a shorter route to Asia. The crusades had allowed for eastern Europeans to explore the culture of the Middle Eastern, here they discovered luxuries such as spices and silk. Eastern Europeans were looking for a way to receive theses goods at a lower expense by exploring for lands beyond the Mediterranean. Unfortunately explorers such as Christopher Columbus found a greater luxury, the New World. Finally, these both powerful countries wanted to spread the word of God and Christianity by teaching natives of other lands this religion.

    Prompt 2:
    There were many long term results of explorations by Spanish and Portuguese in the New World including the 90% loss of Native American life due to disease and conquest. Spain and Portugal provided wheat, sugar, rice and coffee in return the Native Americans introduced corn, potatoes, tomatoes, tobacco, vanilla, and chocolate. Not only did the introduction of potatoes feed the rapid population growth of Europe, but also satisfied the sweet tooth of Europe with vanilla and chocolate. Northern American Indian tribes were highly impacted by the introducing of horses, this allowed them to become highly mobile and graze over wide range. These animals would be used throughout the history of America in terms of transportation. Christianity became one of the most taught religions in New World; they began to make borderlands in order to achieve this. Well Spanish and Catholic missionaries began to pop up throughout the new world to house and teach the Native Americans in a way that was accepted by Europeans. These missionaries sole purpose were to make them abandon there old ways and culture and to learn the ways of the Europeans.

    1. Hi Katelyn! When I read your first prompt I couldn't help but notice that you thought Christopher Columbus discovering the New World was "unfortunate". Do you think that Christopher's discovery was completely a bad thing? How about the Mestizo race forming and the new agriculture which prospered in the New World and World today as a result of his discovery. For example the corn and potatoes which were taken to the Old World and the livestock which was taken to the New World.

    2. Hi Kimberly and Katelyn. I have to say I agree with Katelyn about Chistopher Columbus' discovery. Yes, the agriculture prospered and a new race was formed, but it was at the expense of the native americans. Over 90% were extinguished and the rest were forced to adhere to the explorers new ways. Some things were good about the discovery, but was killing nearly an entire race worth it, even if by accidental diseases being spread?

  32. Prompt 1:
    Both Spain and Portugal expanded their empires in the 15th century to gain territory and improve their economies. First Portugal used its existing control in Africa to get slave labor to work their plantations with the goal of finding less expensive trade routes. People in Europe had a great desire for the finer items in the East, but by the time the items were imported the price was too high. For this reason, Europe was excited by the prospect of shorter and cheaper ways to reach Asia and the Indies. In addition, there was a growing desire for gold and silver, which was rumored to be in the Indies. The gold found stimulated the economy of Spain. The influx of money into the economy affected the consumer negatively, but it eventually led to the development of capitalism and modern banking systems.
    Prompt 2:
    Aside from the major devastation of the Native American population, Spain and Portugal’s exploration also caused other long term effects. For example, people on the continent who were formerly following a tribal religion became Christian converts. With the arrival of European explorers, there also came Christian missionaries. These missionaries initially caused an uprising, but many of the Native Americans did convert. Another long term effect of European involvement was the introduction of new crops and animals not native to the continent. The introduction of sugar caused a “sugar revolution”, and the cattle and horses eventually became essential to the North American lifestyle.

    1. I agree with your first prompt but I feel the influx of money after gold reached Spain was actually positive since it helped them become a much more powerful and richer empire. Then eventually they controlled most of the indies and frankly the world after the Treaty of Tordesillas which sent Portugal a little downhill.

    2. Hello Julie I agree with the second prompt in how the missionaries had a great impact on Native American life. The European explorers took all aspects of their culture away and replaced it with theirs, thinking that it was superior to the native's way of life.

    3. I agree with your second prompt Julie! Do you think that the introduction of new plants, crops and animals are positive for the Natives or negative? I would have to say positive because they are exposed to new crops that could help with possible starvation and they also were able to be more efficient with farming using horses.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Stephen, you bring up a good point! There was a positive aspect to the introduction of gold in Spain. I was just looking at it from the point of view of the consumer.
      Katelyn, It's good to hear that you agree with my post! I also feel that the missionaries saw their religion to be superior, mainly because of the way that they forced their lifestyle on the native people.
      And Tyler, I do think that the new crops were beneficial to the Native Americans. But you also have consider the disease that came with the Europeans, which was obviously detrimental.

  33. Prompt 1:
    During the 15th century, Spain and Portugal were the first European nations to begin exploration into Africa and the New World for many reasons. They both desired the silk, spices, medicines, and other goods that Asia had to offer but the journey to reach these distant lands was dangerous and costly. When Christopher Columbus stumbled upon the New World while trying to find a quicker and less expensive route than sailing around the tip of southern Africa, both nations were sent on a scramble to gain part of the new land, obtain its rich resorces, and spread their religion of Christianity. They were also driven into exploration of the New World by their ongoing competition for prestige and power.

    Prompt 2:
    After Spain and Portugal began exploring and expanding into the newly discovered Americas, there were many lasting affects on the natives of the land and the surrounding enviornment. While conquering the native lands, they practically forced their religion upon the Native Americans that they encountered. Because an estimated 90% of natives that inhabited these lands were wiped out because of the Europeans, entire cultures along with their customs and traditions were lost. Although the arrival of the Europeans brought many negative effects to the Americas, agriculture was one positive aspect of their presence. The Europeans brought over horses, which transformed natives from slow moving gatherers to more mobile hunters, and other large animals that made farming easier.

    1. Hi Ryan, good job on your response. I noticed that you also wrote about how they forced their lifestyle on the Native Americans and I was wondering if you knew the term for that action? I know there is a word that defines it, but I can't recall what it was.

    2. Hey Ryan, I think you did a great job on including facts, or information, from the text book and not using opinion. In your answer to prompt one, you gave a lot of interesting reasons as to why Spain and Portugal would want to explore other lands. Which reason do you think made it necessary for them to explore?

  34. Prompt 1:
    Three reasons why Spain and Portugal felt the need to expand their empires were "god, glory and gold". We actually learned this phrase in world history and it appeared once again in chapter one of "The American Pageant". Spain and Portugal wanted to explore and expand their territories because Of this simple phrase. The word "god" was referencing the need to spread their religion to "uncivilized" peoples. The word "glory" in this saying basically means the will to get notoriety and fame from the journeys and discoveries. And the last part of the phrase "gold", which is somewhat self-explanatory, but the Spaniards and the Portuguese wanted wealth in the forms of (obviously) gold. Silver was also a large source of wealth in the Americas from silver mines such as the ones in Potosí (present day Bolivia)and Mexico.

    Prompt 2:
    Two long-term effects of the Portuguese and the Spanish in the Americas were the introduction of horses and a new race of people called mestizos. When the Spanish came to the new world they brought with them new foods and diseases, but also new animals. The natives of south America, on arrival of Cortes, reported back to Moctezuma that the men were riding on the backs of "deer" which were actually horses. The Explorers brought ships full of cattle, horses and swine to the new world in exchange for all new plants and foods. Mestizos are a mix of the Southern American people and the Spaniards. This was almost a sign of respect that the Spaniards would mix with the native people creating an entirely new race instead of shunning them and isolating themselves from the natives.

  35. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal expanded their empires in the 15th century for many important reasons. The Portuguese set up trading posts along the African shore for the intention of slaves and gold. Slave trade was very important to Portugal and they relied heavily on the systematic traffic in slaves towards their sugar plantations. Meanwhile the Spaniards wanted desperately to seek new territory that the Portuguese successfully did, so they headed westward. Both Spain and Portugal wanted cheaper products that they can receive from the new world such as precious metals,and rich soil for plantations, thus improving there economies and gaining power. There was a constant desire for adventure of the exploration and seeking new riches that led the drive for many Europeans to sail the seas. Both of these countries dominated the world in exploration and as a result received growing economies and high ambitions.

    Prompt 2:
    As Spain and Portugal settled into the new world they were also creating long term effects for the Native Americans who have lived there centuries before. The diseases such as small pox that the Europeans carried with them nearly wiped out a whole population but their were also more significant effects. One is the sharing of new crops and animals to the native people. This wasn't a negative effect because the Europeans brought over many things that improved Native American life. An example of this is when Christopher Columbus returned to the island of Hispaniola and brought cattle, swine and horses. The horses soon traveled north and pretty soon the Indian tribes living in North America had adapted their cultures into successful hunting societies that easily herded buffalo. However, as Spain and Portugal explored the new land they were also spreading their religion creating a shift from native religion to Christianity which caused a downfall in Native American culture that would be changed from that point on.

  36. Prompt 1:
    Both Spain and Portugal were expanding there empires in the 15th century for the economical benifits and to gain territory.Portugal used its control in Africa to get slave labor and gold. There was big business to be had in the slave trade brought on by Portugal's slave traffic system. Europeans were eager to be supplied with fine products and this route would allow them to ship these products for a much cheaper price and thus they could sell the products for a lower price. This opened the products up to a wider group of customers. The gold that was found in Africa helped Spain's economy immensely and because of this there was a negative effect on the consumer but the development of capitalism and modern banking system followed soon after.

    Prompt 2:
    There were many long term effects brought on to the Native American population by Spain and Portugal's exploration.These included the horses that quickly spread throughout the North American continent and influenced the cultures of Native American tribes such as the Apaches,Sioux, and Blackfoot. When the Europeans brought over sugar and started planting and harvesting it, this caused a "sugar revolution" which was fueled by the labor of millions of African Americans. The Christians from Europe also converted all of the native peoples ,that had originally followed their tribal religions, to Christians.

    1. Hi Reagan! I agree with you; Portugal's control of the African coast was a large catalyst for exploration in the 15th century, but not solely because of the market that went with it. Portugal's control of the African coast gave them a prime seat for any trade coming around Africa from India; trade that was something everyone in Europe desired. This trade opportunity sparked competition with Spain; Spain also wanted a good seat for the wealth that was coming in from the Indies. This competition between Spain and Portugal, brought on by the control of Africa like you mentioned in your response to the first prompt, was a very important reason that Spain and Portugal wanted to expand their empires, so I'm glad you mentioned it. Also, I'd like to add that I believe it was the silver from the New World, particularly that which was brought in by Francisco Pizarro, that inflated the European economy leading to various long term effects such as capitalism and modern banking, rather than gold found in Africa, although the gold in Africa was important and made up 2/3 of Europe's gold.

  37. Prompt 1:
    Grand were the tales that Italian Adventurer Marco Polo wove. Stories of far off lands and of China circulated through Europe, leaving an impact in history. Of all the European countries, two stood above the rest with dreams that lead the world on an adventure that is now known as the Era of Exploration. Spain and Portugal, under the service of their god, lead the Europeans valiantly into this new era.
    So enraptured by their own religion, the explorers sought to spread their faith to, by their standards, uncivilized and ignorant people of the New Land and Africa. Their goal was to have Christianity spread across the globe. Glory and gold was also a large motivator in the struggle to expand. It was known in the late fifteenth century that the “Indies” was abundant in wealth. When Spain was united by the marriage of Isabella and Ferdinand, they became a stronger country. High of their abrupt strength, and minds heavy with thoughts of glory, Spain rushed to beat Portugal to the wealth. The race to the New Land had begun.
    Prompt 2:
    Spanish and Portuguese explorers brought many things to the New World, but perhaps the most profound of all was death. As 90% of the population was killed by disease or men, the native population dwindled. Yes, European Exploration brought many things, and yet to this day, other effects of the revolutionary expeditions remain.
    Many plants were introduced to the New Land with the arrival of the Europeans. Without their knowledge, their clothes and shoes carried seeds of “Kentucky Blue Grass, dandelions, and daises.” Columbus revolutionized transportation for the natives by introducing the horse. He unloaded the animals from his ships and changed native life forever. In history, the Spanish and Portuguese had always had an unwavering belief in their faith. When they came to the New Land, nothing had changed. With the population of natives being so low, and the technologic advantages the Europeans had over the people that remained, Christianity and Catholicism was forced into the New Land. Churches and Cathedrals were built to honor their god, and the natives were forced to leave their own rituals and religions. This influence of religion still presides in the heart of what we now call America.

  38. Prompt 1: The Spanish and Portuguese wanted to expand their empires for three main reasons: God, Gold, and Glory. God was spreading Christianity to new worlds; spreading their faith further and converting people. Gold was the opportunity to gain wealth from raw material in places like the Americas. And Glory was the fame and fortune that came with concurring new land and being able to go home with something to boast about. Spain and Portugal both wanted these three things and so that was their three main reasons for expanding their empires.

    Prompt 2: Two additional long-term effects of exploration by the Spanish and Portuguese in the New World was culture and trade. One long term effect of colonization was change in the culture of the New World. The Americas were affected by the Spanish especially. Another long standing effect was trade. Hunting trades flourished from the demand for furs. Many of the Spanish focused on precious metals. Precious metals came almost exclusively from the Spanish and Portuguese Colonies.

    1. I believe that you did a good job on explaining how Spain and Portugal wanted to use God, Gold, and Glory to expand their power within their empires. They both wanted to expand mainly for new resources and crops. You also had very good reasons on how they effected them through trade and culture. They had a very large impact on the whole world, expecially the new world!

  39. Prompt 1:
    The Portuguese and the Spaniards were two empires who longed for expansion and the enticing thought of unlimited wealth. They set up slave trade routes along the shorelines of Africa. The development of slaves increased both their productivity and the amount of resources that they can gather. Their thirst for the new prompt them to supposedly travel to Asia, but instead they discovered a new landmass abundant with animals and natives. They decided to colonize this land resulting to the expansion of their awesome empire. Their growing empire demanded more attention and so they inquire slaves to further the development of their colonies. They were forcefully captured and unknowingly torn away from their families. The two empires constantly drive the natives out which caused a deep hatred between the two forces. Even with these obstacles the two empires still demanded more and continued to do so without failure.
    Prompt 2:
    Portugal and Spain were a very strong force capable of changing a lifestyle or eradicating cultures and homes. Unfortunately, their arrival to the New World fell upon the latter. Their view of the world is of one revolving around their own nation and they forcefully imposed their religion unto others. They believed that their god is the only supreme ruler and they demoralized the natives by destroying their so-called "gods". Even though there were many negative effects that Portugal and Spain caused they did, however, cause some positive effects. One of these is the introduction of many different animals on which some are of great use. Cattle brought easier food and horses improved transportation and helped herd the cattle. These increased the life expectancy of the natives because of the abundance of food.

    1. Hi Excel I like how in your first post you brought up the slave trade within both the Spanish and Portuguese empires. This was a factor in the expansion of both the empires and also helped the wealth gain both empires experienced.

    2. True, but Portgual began the slave trade and slave labor on plantation farms before the Spanish did so credit has to go to them.
      And Excel, i liked how you added both positive and negative affects of european invasion into the New World, it makes the argument less one-sided. Also, another positive outcome would be introduction of new stable crops.

    3. Hi Excel, I agree with prompt 1 with the slaves providing labor and how the discovery of the new landmass opened up new opportunities for trade. Although, the slaves didn't quite develop the colonies but the colonists were responsible for the development by the increase in their population and the opening of new plantations and businesses. The slaves were there to do labor and make money, which i guess you could say are the foundation of it all.

  40. Spain and Portugal both wanted to expand their Empires economy, and to do so, they felt it would be beneficial to find a new route to Asia, for things such as sugar and spice. Both nations were tired of dealing with Italian middle-men, and wanted a more direct route to India for cheaper prices and larger quantities of spices and other luxuries. Little did they know, crossing a sea to the west would bring them to the Americas, instead. These nations were also very Christian, and wanted to spread the "good news of the Gospels," in order to gain more members of the church.

    The Spanish and Portuguese had many adverse effects on native populations in the New World, and one of these was the establishment of a massive slave trade, in order to have free labor on their new sugar plantations in the Caribbean Sea. They also destroyed many important cities such as Tenochtitlan, that were a part of a very advanced empires, when empires like the Aztecs and the Incas could have been very useful to the settling of the New World.

    1. Well while the Aztec and Inca empire did fall, the people didn't all die off, and they were very helpful to the Spanish and hundreds of towns flourished with the New World and especially silver producing areas which were all run by native men. And with the fall of the those two empires it was so much easier to take over the land and exploit it because they would have just put up resistance in the future or would have made it almost impossible to steal any crops or other materials from the local people because they would have gotten the people organized.

    2. I meant to say that the silver producing areas were all worked by the native people.

    3. I've always been curious about the destruction of the Aztec and Inca empires. Do you think the Spanish and Portuguese even saw the native populations as "empires"? It'd be interesting to read some primary sources from around that time period.

  41. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal expanded their empires for the three main reasons of God, gold, and glory. Of those three reasons, though, gold and glory were the main ones. The Portuguese, in search for wealth, came to Africa. They Built their own expensive slave trade throughout the coast of Africa and set up trading posts for gold and slaves. Both countries were also interested in foreign luxuries, such as spices, silks, soaps and other Asian goods, that became easier and cheaper to have once they created easier trade routes through exploration. Power, or glory, was another main contributor to the expansion of Spain and Portugal. Each country wanted to be the super power of Europe and wanted to claim more land for their king than the other to show pride of their country.

    Prompt 2:
    Exploration to the New World by the Spanish and Portuguese brought a few long term results. Besides the diseases that killed many Native Americans, they also brought New crops and animals religion. The Indian tribes adopted the, helping their culture become mobile and more fierce hunters. Crops such as daisies, dandelions, and bluegrass were dragged into the New World by Europeans, which pollinated and continued to grow. The spread of Christianity affected the native population by changing the polytheist views into believing that there is only one God, in turn changing many of the customs that the natives had.

    1. Rachel, I like how you mentioned the importance of God, gold, and glory in Prompt 1. Do you think that Spain and Portugal would have been motivated to explore without the 3 G's?

  42. Prompt 1: Spain and Portugal both sought out to expand their countries for a couple of reasons. Portugal was first, extending down to Africa and setting up slave trades to gain gold. This expansion led them to grow as an empire. The Spaniards following Portugal’s lead also set out to expand, but they went westward. Ideally they were searching for an alternate route to Asia for their fine goods, but they came across the New World. In the New world they found precious metal and land, as well as a place to spread their beliefs amongst the Indians. Finding this New World led to an immense growth of their empire. They found these expansions necessary so that they could have more power as empires.

    Prompt 2: Spain and Portugal left the New World changed with what they brought. The explorers not only brought disease and sickness but they also came bearing crops, animals, and beliefs. When the explorers brought their crops it led to the “Sugar Revolution.” This revolution caused a high demand for African slaves. When they brought horses they quickly spread out amongst North America it caused a change in the way of Native Americans lives. Also, when the Europeans came over to the New World they came bearing their beliefs. These beliefs in Christianity caused the change amongst the Natives that stuck with the New World for years to come.

  43. Prompt #1
    Spain and Portugal found it necessary to expand into the New World and Africa for economic reasons, to spread religion, and to compete with the other European superpowers of the time, like England. The Spanish and Portuguese were trying to find a faster, safer, and less expensive way to the Asian continent for trade when they stumbled upon the resource rich Americas. The journey to the Americas was safer than going below the southern tip of Africa because the Atlantic Ocean was a lot more calm compared to the stormy weather around the Cape of Good Hope. The voyage was also cheaper because there was a direct route back to Europe with the acquired resources and there were no Muslim "middle men" to tax and raise the price of the goods. Once both of the nations discovered an indigenous population in the New World and Africa they were driven too conquer the indigenous peoples and either convert them to Christianity or enslave them to work on plantations and other things. Spain and Portugal wanted to expand so that they could keep competing with the other super powers of Europe and so they wouldn't fall behind and become non-influential countries.

    Prompt #2
    The Spanish and Portuguese brought many long lasting impacts to the native populations of the Americas. Some of the things they brought to the Americas were good and some of the things they brought across the ocean were bad to the people that inhabited the two continents. One of the biggest long lasting effects brought across by the Spanish and Portuguese was the introduction of non-native animals and crops. When Christopher Columbus, and other explorers, brought horses, swine, and cattle to the Americas they changed the continent forever. Over time these animals have spread through out the Americas and they play a very prominent role in today's world. The crops the Europeans brought to the Americas; such as wheat, sugar, coffee beans, and rice; have changed the continents in a very similar manner to the animals. Like the animals, the crops are still a major influence in today's life. Another major impact brought by the Spanish and Portuguese explorers was Christianity. Christianity shaped, and re-shaped, many cultures of natives and immigrants alike. With Christianity being forced on many of the Native Americans their religions and customs became lost over time and today are almost completely forgotten.

    1. I really liked how within your second prompt you brought up the crops and animals that were brought and discussed how they are still important today. I agree with you that both of these were major results of the expanding of the empires into the new world and are still important till this date.

    2. Hi Ciaran. I agree with your reasoning on why Spain and Portugal expanded their empires. I also think that a big reason of why they wanted to expand was to keep up with other European super powers like England, France, etc. I thought that the introduction of horses was one the most important long term effects because it changed how the natives hunted and thier battle tactics.

    3. I really liked how you pointed out all the reasons why the Europeans were looking for a cheaper way to trade and all the detail you went into such as the muslim "middle men" and cape of Good Hope.

    4. Hey Ciaran, I agree that the Europeans wanted to spread religion and they wanted to compete with other European superpowers. I also liked how you mentioned the Muslim middle men who made the trade route too expensive because that is one of the biggest reasons Europeans had to explore.

  44. Prompt 1:
    In the 15th century Spain and Portugal were pushed by their growing, ambitious governments to expand their empires. One reason these countries led Europe into the era of exploration was to gain power and control of other countries to expand their empires further into the East. This expansion was wanted partly to gain more territory and quicker trading routes. The biggest reason for Spain and Portugal's explorations was for new, raw materials, such as sugar and colorful cloth. Many of these materials were abundant in the East, but very scarce in Europe. And the increase in cost due to the travel necessary to trade these items was extraordinarily high, and most Europeans could not afford to purchase them. At the time Europeans were also trying to spread Christianity to the countries they viewed as "backwards" countries. These factors pushed Portugal and Spain to lead Europe into the exploration of new places, such as Africa and the New World.

    Prompt 2:
    One of the long-term effects the European explorers brought to the New World was the introduction of new animals. The Europeans brought horses, cattle, pigs and many other animals into the Americas. This was one of the few positive long-term effects from the explorers. Some of these new animals actually helped with agriculture. They introduced a new kind of crop fertilizer to the native Americans. Others, such as the horse, helped the Native Americans with hunting, and most could be used to provide food to the Native Americans. Another long-term effect brought on by the Europeans was the fall of the Incan and Aztec Empires. Most of the Incans and Aztecs refused to accept the Europeans views of Christianity. This created much tension between them, and eventually the Europeans would wipe out both the Incan and Aztec Empires. The European explorers at the time were seen as the direct cause of the near complete obliteration of the Incan and Aztec culture. This was definitely one of the more negative long-term effects caused by the European explorers in the New World.

    1. Hey! Regarding your second response, I think you made a great point about how the European animals were not only used for transport and direct consumption, but for fertilizer also. The Europeans kind of balanced this with the tobacco plantations, which viciously stripped the New World's lands of nutrients and proper farming soil.

  45. Prompt 1:
    Both Spain and Portugal were both looking to expand their empires during the late 1400's. One reason was to spread religion, Spain and Portugal were looking to convert both the people of Africa and the people of the new world to Christianity. The countries accomplished this by building churches in the new world and Africa. Another reason for the European expansion was to grow the economies. Spain and Portugal were able to acquire cheap gold and spices from Asia they were able to acquire slave labor from the country of Africa. Both of these factors helped build the European economies and added to the power of both countries.

    Prompt 2:
    A long term effect of the expansion into the New World was the influence of slaves. The influx of slaves that were brought to the New World increased economic gains because of cheap labor but also caused many issues in the future of America. Another item that the Europeans brought was both new crops and new livestock. Sugar,wheat and coffee, as well as cows horses and pigs. Obviously these additions created the future of agriculture that we have in the "new world" today it also formed new ways to transport goods from nation to nation.

  46. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal both lead the European nations into the era of exploration during the 15th Century in Africa and the New World. They began their explorations for many reasons. Two reasons are to spread their beliefs in religion and to find more convenient and cheaper water routes for trading goods. Spain and Portugal wanted to harvest their religion into the people of Africa and the New World. They sought the opportunity of showing them and convincing them of their beliefs in God. To service God, Spanish conquistadores set out to spread their beliefs. As for the water routes, Spain and Portugal had long routes which made the goods too expensive. They explored in search of new, shorter water routes that would allow the price of the goods to be more convenient for the buyers. A famous explorer called Christopher Columbus set sail to find new water routes but instead ran into what is known today as the Bahamas which was blocking the ocean pathway. This accidental discovery helped push the European nations into exploration.

    Prompt 2:
    Two long term results of exploration by the Spanish and Portuguese are religion and education. They created many cathedrals where the Indians could go so that they may be able to express their Christianity. Many of the Indians of the New World had passed down the Chrisian beliefs and today people continue to express their belief with churches and cathedrals. The Spanish and Portuguese also built universities where the Indians would be able to recieve an education. At the universities they were allowed to learn and study. The Indians had also passed down the tradition of learning at universities and today many students are able to expand their knowledge in them just as the Indians did.

    1. Hi Victoria, you did a really good job on your prompts. I like how in prompt one you talked about the water routes. I find it interesting how the distance of trade affected a society. I also like how you described what happened and used historical context such as names of people and places.

  47. Prompt 1:
    The Spanish and Portuguese dove headlong into the era of exploration in the 15th century to find riches and land. Among these riches were golden pagodas and rose-tinted pearls that Marco Polo described in his book after his voyage through China. They also included gold from Africa and slaves to perform labor for the Europeans, so obviously the European conquest was a global affair. Perhaps even more important however, was the hope of finding a cheaper and more direct route eastward, so the true riches of the Indies could be extracted. Some of the goods Europeans got from the Indies included spices, jewels and perfumes. Not only were the Spanish and Portuguese interested in money-making goods, but they were also determined to expand their empires and gain as much possible to give themselves more power.

    Prompt 2:
    Not only did the European explorers in the New World spread Old World diseases to the previously immune Native Americans, but they contracted diseases from them as well. The sexually transmitted disease called syphilis was spread to the European people for the first time. The Europeans also used New World crops and totally transformed the world economy. On the flipside, however, the introduction of Old World cash crops into the New World soil prevented the Natives from growing food they needed to survive. Along with the cash crops, Europeans brought animals like horses to the New World and let them roam the land freely, and the introduction of these strange animals to the native culture allowed them to develop into more hunter-style groups and gave them the tools to perform heavier workloads. The Europeans had no idea what impact they would have on the Native Americans, but it is evident now that their arrival changed the whole course of our great country's history.

    1. I thought it was interesting how one man's book could inspire many explorers to go out and search for the treasures he talked about and in a way contributed to the discovery of the New World. I was also thinking about how you said that the introduction of the horses to the New World allowed for the natives to perform heavier workloads, but I was wondering what kind of new things and workloads did the introduction of horses allow for the natives to perform?

    2. Hi Chris. You made a valid point in the second prompt. The Europeans not only brought crops and technologies unbeknownst to the New World, but the native peoples brought diseases which affected the Europeans greatly in their endeavors. Many historians make it a point that Europeans killed many of the natives via diseases, but the Europeans were killed through the opposite exchange. Nice ideas!

    3. Hey Chris. I really liked how you pointed out that the Native Americans were not the only ones who got diseases from the Europeans and Native Americans meeting for the first the first time and how you pointed out the new crops from the Europeans prevented Native Americans from actually planting the crops they needed to survive which probably also contributed to that 90% estimated death percentage for the Native Americans.

  48. Prompt 1:
    In the 15th Century Spain and Portugal led the European nations in exploration of Africa and the New World for many reasons. One main reason for exploration was the search of new water routes. Long distance trade was very costly and took a long time. Christopher Columbus sailed to find faster ways to cut down travel time and costs. He found new land because of this, such as the Bahamas and the New World. Finding this led to the discovery of many new resources. Another important reason for exploration was to spread religion. Both Spain and Portugal wanted to influence their religion into the people of Africa and the New World. The Spanish Conquistadores were conquerors that fought for God then gold and glory.

    Prompt 2:
    One long term result from exploration by the Spanish and Portuguese in the New World was the spread of universities. These were used and discovered back in the 15th century and they are still used today. The universities had a great positive impression on the world. Universities are schools that help students learn and be educated. The second long term exploration is the expansion of Christianity. Today many people are very passionate about their religion. They may fight or die for it.

    1. I agree with your theory of expansions for water routes and religion. I also like the innuendo of today's religious wars with your second prompt.

    2. Hey Justin! It's great that you used facts from the text. I also wrote about Christopher Columbus in my response and wanted to share with you a crucial detail about his indirect discovery. After discovering the Bahamas, his find created a global economic system that reached every shore that the Atlantic Ocean touched. His find was one of the most important finds during his life time because it eventually led to the 4 continents. Is there any explorer that you read about in chapter one that amazed you or caught you interest?

  49. Prompt 1: Both Spain and Portugal expanded their empires in the 15th century. For several centuries, Europeans with growing power and ambitious governments sought contact with a wider world. They wanted to find another trade route to Asia to trade for gold, silk, spices, and other goods, since their current route was too expensive when the Muslim middlemen charged them for most of their wealth. They also heard about the great resources from the New World and wanted their wealth and goods. Many Christians explored new lands hoping to convert the natives, while others went for the adventure and to explore the unknown.

    Prompt 2: The Europeans introduced Old World crops and animals to the Americas. Crops included wheat, sugar, rice, and coffee, while the animals they brought were mostly horses, cows, and pigs. The Native tribes adopted the horse, transforming their culture into highly mobile hunter societies. Sugarcane thrived in the warm Caribbean climate, and Africans were forced to work the cane-fields and sugar mills of the New World. Once Christianity was introduced to the New World, it continued to spread around the New World and still continues to spread today. There were also negative effects. The Old World voyagers brought germs and diseases, such as smallpox, yellow fever, and malaria. These diseases would soon terminate the Natives.

    1. I like the point that you brought up in promt one about their current trade route being to expansive because of the Muslim middlemen because in reality it seems that this really was the base reason for them beggining to explore. (:

    2. Hey Brandon, good job on your response. I liked how in your prompt 2 you explained the positive effects from the two nations, while contrasting them with the negative ones.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Prompt 1: In the era of exploration of the 15th century, Spain and Portugal expanded their empires. They expanded for the sake of better trading/routes and for wealth. At this time, Europeans had developed a "sweet tooth" for oriental goods such as silk and spices. The prices of these goods were so high at this time due to the middlemen in the trade routes such as the Muslim middlemen in Africa for gold.. Both of these empires both discovered new ways to to get to the "Indies" and took territory in the process. They also discovered the wealth in these territories of conquest and kept expanding for the years to come. The Spanish, for example took over areas of north America in search for gold.
    Prompt 2: Although one of the effects of these two powers taking territory was the spreading of disease to the peoples, they also brought crops and animals as well as new ways of living. The animals spread through the continent, affecting the people as they came into contact. Horses and the plains for example gave a whole new style of living to the Indians of the plains. With the new ways of living came the Ecomienda system, Christianity, and inter-grouping. For example, at the 21 missions in California, they taught the Indians basic crafts while the Indians lost touch with their own ways. They greatly changed the lives of the people for the foreseeable future.

    1. Hi Michael, I like your responses to the prompts. In prompt one, I like how you talked about the Europeans desiring new goods. I agree that this was a reason for exploration because I believe that the want for new items create a strong will power and curiosity. I also like how you talk about the increase of price on the trade because of the Muslim middlemen. I found this interesting and important. Good job on your answer.

    2. Hey Michael, I liked the analogy, "sweet tooth", that you used to describe the interest that Spain and Portugal had developed in oriental goods from Asia. Also, the high price due to the middlemen that you mentioned was a key factor because it inpired them to search for quicker and more cost effective trade routes, discovering the New World along the way.

  52. Prompt 1: The accidental discovery of North America by the Spanish was made possible because of the drive to find a new trade route to Asia through the seas. The new route would allow them to purchase goods such as silk and spices cheaper and quicker in order to sell them at a greater price upon their return. When they stumbled upon North America they began to search the land for gold and riches in both material things and land. Religion was also a large factor for most Spaniards in the New World as they began to try and teach the new people the way of Christianity. The Portuguese also set up multiple ports and gained much territory in areas around the coast of Spain and Portugal as well as in Africa which allowed them to begin collecting slaves for trade and expand their empire.

    Prompt 2: In addition to bringing disease which was a more negative aspect of the expansion into the New World a few lighter things were also introduced. Christianity grew like wildfire through areas such as Mexico and Central America as well as in several Indian tribes. Another addition to the new world was the introduction of pigs, cattle, and horses which allowed the native people to grow in terms of agriculture and also in mobility due to horses.

    1. Hey Mia. Although finding the New World initially happened while trying to find a shorter route to Asia, there were alternative motives. Spain and Portugal's desire to out-do each other greatly impacted their drive for exploration. Do you agree? I like how you included that the introduction of horses led to increased mobility for Native Americans. And even though Christianity did spread quickly, many natives were not happy about the tactics like the ecomienda ststem used by Europeans.

  53. Prompt 1:
    As Spain and Portugal inspired exploration during the 15th century, they were motivated to expand for several different reasons. But two of the principal reasons were the desire to acquire wealth, and to gain contact with a wider world. Europeans, at this time, were craving goods such as silk, perfumes, fabrics, drugs, spices, and sugar. However, after having been transported over great distances and having prices increased by the Muslim middlemen, these goods were extremely expensive. In order to minimize the high cost of these goods, it was necessary to search for less expensive trade routes. Additionally, Spain and Portugal were looking to expand territory, in order to gain power. They would do this by taking control of other countries, continuously broadening their borders.

    Prompt 2:
    When the explorations of the Spanish and Portuguese brought them to the New World, they carried with them knowledge of many new entities. Animals such as cattle, swine, and horses were among the Old World inhabitants that were introduced to the Americas. Horses were one of the more important animals brought, allowing North American Indian tribes to transform their culture and hunting to be more productive and successful. Another benefit that accompanied the explorers was religion. Although it was often forced upon the people, Christianity was spread throughout the New World. The majority of the people that it was introduced to eventually converted and the religion is still very prominent here today.

    1. Hi Lindsay! I really like that you added your opinion in prompt 2, it made it really enjoyable to read. I noticed that you said the introduction of European religion on the Native's was a benefit although you admitted that it was forced. How come you thought it was a benefit? Couldn't it be considered really bad instead because it was against the will of the Natives and it also helped to wipe out a culture.

  54. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal had many reasons for their explorations during this time. One of these reasons was to acquire more land for their empires. During this time the way you determined how powerful a country was. Is by the amount of land it controlled. So gaining all this land showed their countries power. Gaining land also goes hand in hand with gaining raw materials. It also allowed these countries to have land to grow cash crops, such as rubber, cotton, tabacco, coffee and dyes like Indigo. These crops where able to be sold for profit by these countries which made them more wealthy and powerful. Another reason for exploration was missionary work. The Portugese and the Spanish saw it as their duty to convert the natves to Christianity. Many of these explorations into Africa and the Americas were actually planned around missionary work. This was very important to them and was a major reason for exploration.

    Prompt 2:
    Other than the devastation of the Native American people The Spanish and Portugese exploration caused many other ong term effects. One of these long term affects on the world is plants and animals that were transfered over continents. Crops such as tabacco, maize, beans, tomatoes and especially the potato revolutionized the European diet. This allowed for massive population growth in both Africa and Europe. This was because these new crops provided more calories per square acre then any other crops allowing more people to be fed. Horses were also transfered continents by the Europeans and had a large effect on almost every type of lifestyle in the New World. Another major effect of these explorations were the trade routes that are still in use today. These people did not have very advanced technology with them so they had to find the easiest land and water trade routes to use. These easy trade routes especially across the Atlantic ocean are still used today by much larger cargo ships.

    1. Do you still think a countries power today is still determined by how much land they control?

    2. Hi Tyler. I think you answered these prompts very well and explained great, too. If they had no desire to convert those to Christianity, do you think it would have taken longer to discover the New World?

  55. Prompt 1
    Spain and Portugal explored and expanded their empires in order to establish themselves as empires and spread Christianity. Just as Spain sent Columbus on his voyage they had won themselves their own empire in Europe. Spain had just come into existence as the marriage of the kingdoms of Argon and Castile and was an infant in the European theater. France and the Holy Roman empire were empires and had been unified for hundreds of years and Spain was just born. Portugal was a small nation that did not have the armies of Spain or Europe but had leaders focused on sailing and trade. Spain looked to use its fanatical crusading army to expand it empire and establish it as one. Portugal on the other hand explored new areas and instead of invading inland established trade posts all throughout their discovered lands. Both Spain and Portugal got what they set out to do Spain became a territorial empire and found many riches while Portugal built and lasting trade empire that was existent in all parts of the world. The other objective of both of the nations was highlighted by the Treaty of Tordesillas dividing the world between to Catholic nations. Spain and Portugal both set up Catholic missions in every colony. Much of Spain's military were zealots hardened by the crusade against the Moors and were fascinated by the opportunity to gain wealth for Spain and God. This made it easy for Spain to get conquistadors or soldiers to fight for them. Portugal wouldn't invade nations usually but it would Christianize them. The idea the their were doing this for God made it seem like their horrible deeds were good and acceptable. The desire for cheaper good after the crusades was what led to the exploration but not necessarily the expansion of the empires The combination of trade, expansion and religion was the reason for expansion.
    Prompt 2
    The explorers brought animals, culture and laws to the natives. Their horses changed the culture of natives like the Cherokee and allowed them to hunt in the plains more effectively. Livestock like pigs allowed for other tribes to stop hunting and live in one place ranching. The also brought one religion and one distinct culture from Europe. Having only one belief system would help eliminate fighting between tribes but also leads to the desire to expand and spread it further. The Catholic Church is one of the most powerful establishments in Latin America because of the missions. These effects are seen today as most Latin Americans are Catholic and most aboriginal tribes use European livestock.

    1. I really enjoyed your first prompt, it was quite simply, all-encompassing. It shows how Portugal was able to keep up with its much bigger rival country, Spain, in many respects. So much so that they were surpassing them in trade, the very thing that spurred the recruiting of explorers and conquistadors. I wonder though, as you mentioned in your second prompt, were the "Indians" introduced to the European ranching and farming methods and they simply adopted them? Or were they forced, in a manner, into such lifestyles out of necessity to modernize and be less discriminated against.

  56. Prompt 1:
    In the 15th century Spain and Portugal were eager for power. They began the era of exploration by settling Africa and the New World as well. Spain and Portugal were looking for land and new resources such as gold, live stack and agricultural. With these new resources their empires gained power in Europe and the New World. With Spain’s massive navy they were able to colonize more of the New World compared to Portugal.
    Prompt 2:
    Spain and Portugal had long lasting effects on the Americas. The Native American populations were devastated by disease and conquest of the Europeans. And they really never recovered. There were also some positive the Europeans brought to the Americans. They brought their religions and culture. Which would form many of the modern nations of North and South America? Agriculture goods were brought over which benefited the economies of early Spanish and Portuguese colonies.

    1. Hi Seth. I couldn't help but notice that in your second prompt, you said that the spread of religions into the New World was a positive effect. I disagree. The Natives were forced to abandon their rites and religions. The explorers felt that the New World natives had it backwards and they had to be changed. I find it hard to see opressors forcing their religion on others to be a postivie effect. Why do you say it is positive?

    2. I do agree with you, but I did not word my second prompt in the right way.

  57. Prompt 1:
    Both Spain and Portugal were important in leading the European nations into the era of exploration. They began their impressive explorations for many reasons. Portugal originally went to Africa to set up trading posts along the west coast, trading for gold and small amounts of slaves. Soon Portugal realized the amount of profit that could be acquired from the slave business and set up their own slave trading companies while taking over land along the coasts to collect more slaves. The Portuguese expanded into some of the islands along the African continent and used slaves to work on sugar plantations there as well as exporting them to other countries in need of slaves. In just the last half of the 15th century, the Portuguese sold over 40,000 slaves to the Atlantic Sugar Islands alone. Spain, being supported by the wealth and optimism which followed the Renaissance was a confident and adventurous state. Then, after hearing about all of the gold and land found in the New World, the Spanish monarchy began to send ships to claim the goods and land as well as sending priests to convert the occupants living already in the New World.

    Prompt 2:
    History tells us that when the Europeans crossed over the Americas, they brought with them numerous changes to the new land. Many of them were horrific such as the spreading of disease to the native population and forcing them to leave their homes but the Europeans also brought with them some changes that would shape the New World for the better. When Europeans sailed to the Americas, they brought with them horses and other livestock which thrived in the lush green environment. They spread through the continent quickly and the natives began using them for food as well as traveling. Some Europeans also intermarried with the Native Americans creating a unique blend of culture and customs. The Mexican people today take great pride in the fact that their civilization remains special because it is a mix of both the old world and the new.

    1. I liked how you told us how many slaves the Portuguese sold (over 40,000) because it really shows us how much the Portuguese affected, interfered and disrupted Africa with their presence there.

    2. Hi Justin. I agree with your statement about how the Natives intermarried with the Europeans. I think that played an important part in creating the unique diversity we have in America today. I also think that the intro to the new livestock had a good long term effect on the natives.

    3. I agree with your point that the horses aided the natives, especially in traveling, and I think it's interesting that the animals greatly changed their lifestyle into a highly mobile culture. The society we have today would probably be nothing like it without this change.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal were very signifigant in leading the European nations into the era of explortation during the 15th century. There are many reasons for their great explorations, such as God, gold and glory. In about 1450, the Portuguese overcame the obstacle of sailing southward along the coast of West Africa which finally gave direct access to sub-Saharan Africa. Here the Portuguese set up trading posts for purchasing gold and slaves. The slave trading business became widely popular and the Portuguese gained glory from being he origin of the modern plantaion system. Spain gained strength through the unity of two sovereigns and were eager to surpass their rivals, the Portuegese, so Spain looked westward. The competition of the two led to faster discoveries. The Spaniards started their venture for gold in the early 1500's also fighting for land to give to their king.

    Prompt 2:
    Two long term results in the New World from the Spanish and Portuegese were the introduction of Old World crops and animals. Christopher Columbus unloaded cattle, swine, and horses into Hispaniola off of 17 ships. The horses eventually made their way through North America. Here, Indian tribes adopted the horse making their culture more mobile. Columbus also brought seedlings of sugar cane which flourished in the warm climate.

    1. Hey Anna! I really like the thoroughness of your explanation for the first prompt. I also like how you included that Spain prospered under a unified state, thanks to the marriage of Ferdinand Aragon and Isabela of Castile. Lacking unity leads to failure for most groups, which is still a verifiable statement today. This shows the importance of leadership and cooperation of the people, whom work together to reach a certain goal (as you mentioned in your response).

  60. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal had many reasons for expanding their empires during the 15th century. One reason Spain and Portugal wanted to expand was because they wanted to spread their beliefs amongst the American continents. By spreading their beliefs they would be able to win over the natives. A second reason why Spain and Portugal expanded was because of glory and gold. In 1513 and 1521, Juan Ponce de Leon, from Spain, landed in Florida, which he thought was an island, to search for gold. In 1540-1542, another Spaniard by the name Fransico Coronado eventually had stumbled upon the Grand Canyon in the Colorado River. They felt that expanding into the Americas was important because they wanted to claim its riches first.

    Prompt 2:
    The Spanish and Portuguese caused many long term effects of exploration on the new world. One long term effect they had on the new world was the introduction to horses. In 1493 men arrived with a variation of many different animals in the carribean and the horses eventually made their way up to the North American mainland and Mexico. Another long term effect that they had on the new world was the arrival of sugar cane. The sugar cane were able to flourish in the warm enviroment and that caused the Spanish and Portugese to force millions of Africans to work the sugar cane fields.

  61. Prompt 1:
    Portugal and Spain both were two countries who wanted to expand their influence and wealth, of course going off of the main and well-known God, Glory and Gold as we view it today. They set up port cities and such and felt it would be better to find a route to Asia that would help transport things such as spices and other goods faster and increase the amount of profit that would develop from finding these new routes. Their search for this new route to Asia led to the discovery of the Americas. Also among the many reasons to expand was the need to spread their beliefs. They wanted to spread the Christian faith to other parts of the world and this led to the setup of many missions and towns in the New World.

    Prompt 2:
    Both the Spanish and the Portuguese, like other conquerers and expanding empires, had the power to invade new lands and take advantage of indigenous peoples. Unfortunately most of the effects that occurred upon the New World were negative with the destruction of many cultures and cities to prevent attack and to spread their religion. They took away the value that these people had and even destroyed whole civilizations filled with culture to bring back wealth. Another negative effect would be the slave trade that the natives were often forced into so they could develop faster and/or more efficiently. The natives were taken and brutally overpowered creating places and new cultures from the assimilation of the invaders and the natives leaving only some traces behind.

  62. Prompt 1:
    During the 15th century, both Spain and Portugal grew stronger and wanted to explore for wealth and glory. The Portuguese noticed the opportunity to better their economy through African trade ports and slavery. The Portuguese understood the demand for certain types of agriculture and took advantage of it; Spain later followed this example and set up other trade ports along Africa. Due to the way Portugal had major control over Africa, Spain had to turn to the west to try and access the "Spice Islands." These ambitions for glory, made Spain and Portugal determined to explore bordering areas to gain more power.

    Prompt 2:
    Both Spain's and Portugal's explorations both greatly affected the New World. Two long term effects that they had on the New World were the way beliefs changed due to the spread of Christianity and the new animals that the Spanish introduced. The introduction of Christianity led to the marriage between explorers and natives, which resulted in a cultural mix of mestizos that brought the natives and explorers a little closer. The animals that Columbus introduced aided in the mobility of natives, resulting in more food to hunt, and a positively impacted economy.

    1. I agree with you 100%. For prompt 1, I found that God was also a very large contributor for expansion, ever more so then glory. Christian missionaries were a large chunk of the early European explorers.

    2. Hi Cady! I really liked how in your second prompt, you mentioned the results of the introduction of Christianity and the new species of animals. I agree that the "cultural mix of mestizos" somehow brought the bond of explorers and natives closer.

  63. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal during 15th century had many motives to expand, a prominent one being wealth through the Indies. During the Crusades and the four centuries it encompassed, European warriors became hooked on exotic Asian goods. In Europe, the silks, drugs, perfumes, and spices were too expensive to be acquired all the way from the East. The answer to this problem was to find a western route to Asia. At this time, Portugal had also made substantial advances in sailing, and with the new Caravel ship, were able to penetrate Africa below the Sahara Desert. The demand and available advances, along with Spain's quest for power, set in motion events that eventually led to the discovery of the New World. Another reason for expansion was brought on by both the Caravel and Asian luxuries. With the beginning of plantations to grow sugar, a highly desired spice, and the new availability past the Sahara, Africa was exploited to provide slaves for these plantations and to make money through trading. Additionally, with Spain's newfound strength through the unity of the country by Ferdinand and Isabella, they were eager to exercise their power by expanding their empire through conquests that eventually engulfed the New World. The New World beckoned to Spain partially as territory, but most of all with the promise of gold, silver, crops and animals, and unexploited resources.

    Prompt 2:
    Spain and Portugal may have brought death and destruction to the New World, but they also enhanced it as well. One large benefit to the natives were animals. When Columbus returned to the island of Hispaniola in 1493, he brought cattle, pigs, and most importantly, horses. Horses were a huge benefit and soon reached the mainland of North America. In less than 200 years, they had spread through Mexico to as far as Canada, transforming the lifestyles of Indian tribes such as the Apaches, Sioux, and Blackfoot. The horses spurred a highly mobile culture, that would have large reverberating effects on America. Another benefit to the New World was culture. Unlike the English who, in the future, would strive to wipe out all native american culture, the Spanish actually adopted native cultures into their own while spreading religion. The push by the Conquistadors to convert the natives to catholicism along with the adoption of native wives (who were converted) left Mexico changed. Mexico still exists today as a blend of Old World and New World culture, uniquely combined through Spain's conquest.

  64. Prompt 1: In the 15th century Spain and Portugal had several motives to expand their empires. Two main reasons for this being was to gain wealth in the hopes of finding numerous treasures such as gold and to control more trading ports. Through these new trading ports both countries were free to charge any price they wanted to other countries to use them, thus heavily increasing Spain and Portugal's wealth. Both countries were not shy in their conquest for many other riches. They both stumbled upon new spices and gold. This increased not only their wealth but their power for being the only countries with these resources at the tips of their fingers.

    Prompt 2: Other than disease and conquest two additional long term results of exploration by the Spanish and Portuguese in the New World were the introduction of new livestock such as horses and pigs. These newer animals greatly improved the economy of the New World. Native Americans could now use horses to travel to further locations to farm, and or hunt for food. Also they no longer had to heavily depend on corn to survive now that new animals and other foods thus increasing the population. Another long term result of exploration by the Spanish and Portuguese to the new world was religion. They brought the belief of Christianity to the Native Americans. Instead of having to make sacrifices to their "god" they now believed in prayers and doing good deeds would please the Christian god giving them a peaceful life in heaven. Almost all of the Native Americans converted to Christianity and still practice it today.

    1. Hey Meghan I thought your prompts were very well written. I also believe that the spread of Christianity to the New World had to be one of the biggest impacts the Europeans left. Not only did the new religion spread new culture but it even changed the way the villages would be built. Roman Catholic churches were built and the colonies were built with influence from Christian European architecture.

  65. Prompt 1: During the 15th century Spain and Portugal saw the exploration of Africa and the New World as a perfect chance to spread the name of God, and to become well know wealthy explorers. Portugal, being a very small country needed more land to expand its empire which was why Portugal went to Africa. It was a very strategic move to control the west African coast because of the increasing demand of foreign luxuries(spices, silk, soaps,etc). This allowed the Portuguese to charge whatever they set the price for supplies because they dominated the coast. Spain on the other hand was to late to reach Africa and could not beat the Portuguese. Instead, after the finding of present day Cuba, mass amounts of silver and other natural riches began to flow through Spain. Just like the crusades God was the ultimate inspiration to go on these long voyages and to spread the word of God and to convert the natives to Christianity, was a goal shared among all foreign explorers.

    Prompt 2: The Age of Exploration was not all beneficial to everyone. Two main long term effects that this era brought were the annihilation of culture and the wild life in North America. Almost all native tribes were effected by the arrival of Europeans in some way. If they were not killed off by the explores, they were forced to give up there old ways and adopt the new European way. This resulted in the mass execution of native culture and ways. Aside from just germs, Europeans also carried over plants and animals that would come to dominate in the New World. For example, The Kentucky bluegrass, dandelions, and daisies were all plants or seeds carried over on the explorations. Horses and other animals were brought over by the Europeans to assist them but because they began to wander free, they repopulated all of North America. Due to natural selection, horses outlived bison and other native species hurting the authenticity of the New World.

    1. While i wholly agree with you on the detrimental effects of the explorers on native tribes, it begs the question whether they ever benefited from the contact? Undoubtedly, The "Indians" who survived and went on to live in more westerly places adopted some degree of technology from the Europeans. Did not the Apache and Comanche Indians adopt horseback riding and the use of firearms through the years? Their degree of effectiveness increased exponentially compared to before the contact, as exemplified by their EFFECTIVE armed resistance against the US Government for a time. Ironically though, It wouldn't have been necessary If we hadn't come at all. Ahh, what a paradox.

    2. I completely agree on the terrible effect that the explorers had on the Native Americans. Plants and animals that were not native to the new world and it hurt the environment. The Native Americans also suffered massive loses due to viruses brought over by the immune explorers that infected the Native Americans.

  66. Prompt 1: Both the Spanish and the Portugal wanted many things such as power, gold, goods, and glory. They sent out many explorations to explore Indonesia, and the New World to achieve there goals. But not many of these gaols where met, due to the many conflicts between the indiguous people with in the uneplored lands. Many of the explorers and their men where killed by these "savage" people. Two people that contributed to some of these goals would be Ferdinand of Aragonn and Isabella of Castile. After their marrage that brought the Spanish kingdoms together, they soon found many goods in Indies. they wanted to take over and become the power of the Indies, in which the location of the Spice Island where located. By taking over they would have a great source of new spices that could be brought back to the Euopean nations to be sold at a high price. Both of the countries also wanted the greatest thing they could have, and to them that was the gold. There had been many tales of loads, evan cities of gold spoken of by the returning explorers from the New World. They all wanted it, craved it, it was one of the biggest focuses of the explorers. Because with great weath comes a great sum of power to follow.

    Promtp 2: The Spanish and the Portugues had many different and simmilar goals for the explorations to the New World. Two long term results to of the explorations would be the lost and change in the culture with the local civilizations, and the introducimg of slavary. One thing the explorers wanted to do with the local Natvie Americans was to introduce them to Christianity. Which the Native americans had no ideal of what it was. The expolorers wanted to convert them to a life style they had never knew of. They wanted them to live the same way they lived so they could become a more civil and organized population. By doing this, many of the Native Americans lost contact with their villages and thier culture. Slavary was also another issue that was to last for a long time. When the explorers conquered the lands of the Naive Americans. Not only did they kill many of them off, but the also took some of them in as there slaves to do the work that the other more "civil" people didn't want to do. This movement would go on for what almost would feel like forever.

  67. Prompt 1
    Trade for foreign goods such as spices had become increasingly popular in Europe during this time period. Overland trade routes had become inefficient both because of the fact that many were dangerous and because Muslim and Italian middlemen dramatically increased the price of the goods. If a country were to increase its size by building an empire, it would not only possess more power, but also money since it could control trade routes. New technology such as the caravel enabled Portugal to reach India via an overseas route after Vasco da Gama rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 1458,giving the country access to increased wealth and power. But the union of Spain with the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella caused Spain to also seek power. Given that much of the African coast was controlled by Portugal, Spanish explorers were sent west.
    Prompt 2
    The arrival of Europeans in the Americas dramatically altered the environment due to the introduction of animals such as horses and plants such as coffee. For example, coffee today often replaces native plants as a major part of agriculture in countries such as Brazil and Columbia. European exploration also led to the introduction of new ethnicities, including the Europeans themselves, African slaves, and the children of Native Americans and Europeans. Today many people in South and Central America are of mixed European and Native American ancestry.

    1. Sarah, I really like how you mentioned in prompt 1 how the size of an empire was proportional to its power due to trade networks. It could also be said that after Spain and Portugal developed colonies in the new world, there were even more trade networks created, since these colonies were only supposed to trade with the home country. That would be great for Spain and Portugal, who now have a secure flow of money, but not so great for the new world colonies, who were now severely limited in their available interactions in a world economy.

  68. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal explored Africa and the New World and expanded their empires for many reasons. Wealth was a main motive in exploration. Portugal set up trading posts along the African coast to sell goods for gold and to trade slaves. Europeans wanted to find goods from Asia that were rare luxuries in Europe such as silk, drugs, perfume, spices, and sugar. Another reason why they wanted to expand their empires was to spread Christianity. Spain explored the New World and brought their religion of Christianity with them. They built Catholic churches in the New World, attempted to suppress native religions, and converted many natives from the New World to Christianity.

    Prompt 2:
    The Spanish and Portuguese both left long term results due to exploration, resulting in a combination of the Old World and the New World. Europeans exploring in the New World married Indians in the New World and created mestizos, people with both Indian and European heritage. European exploration resulted in this new race which is still present today. The Europeans also introduced new crops, animals, language, laws, customs, and religion to the New World. The natives adapted this into their culture while still keeping parts of their own culture and creating a combination of the Old World and the New World.

    1. Hey Ally! In your second response, it was a great idea to include the creation of Mestizos as a contribution from the Europeans. That was basically the beginning of America becoming the huge "melting pot" of ethnic backgrounds that it is today. Good thinking!

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Prompt 1: Spain and Portugal lead the European nations into the era of exploration for four reasons; gold, God, glory, and capabilities(technology). Gold, meaning they were in search for resources (timber, sugar, tobacco, spices, gold, silver, etc.). They also wanted to expand trade routes to make more of a profit on these resources due to the fact that the Muslims required the Europeans to pay money just so that they could pass through the Ottoman trading posts. God, signifying the desire to spread their religious beliefs of Catholicism to the indigenous people. Missionaries would be the ones to pass the religion on to the indigenous poeple. The Europeans built churches in the New World and in Africa. Glory, which expresses wealth and power of the countries and most of all the king. This goes along with gold because if a country is not wealthy they will not be powerful and power is always a competition between countries. Capabilities, which basically just means their longing for technological advancements.

    Prompt 2:
    One major long term result of exploration by the Spanish and Portuguese in the New World was the resources that each country obtained. The Old World received gold and silver along with an extensive change in their diets(addition of; corn, potatoes, beans, chocolate, etc.) The New World also got new things such as animals, food, and illnesses that they never had before the era of exploration. I believe that the only bad thing about this was the illnesses that were distributed and spread. Another major result is the spread of religion by Europeans. Europeans forced many Natives to believe in their religious practices even though the Natives had already established their own beliefs. These two major results both have their pros and cons and have shaped how we are as a society today.

  71. Prompt 1: To be put simply, during this time period, Spain and Portugal were in a competition with the rest of the world. New naval technology allowed Europe to spread its influence away from its homeland. As different nations gained the ability to extend their identity, it became crucial for others to do the same, for fear of a worldwide monopoly by one country. More specifically, Spain and Portugal were in a race to gain access to Asia first. After the Crusades, Europe developed an expensive taste for exotic ideas, food, and technology. Refusing to accept the outrageous prices and dangers of transporting such luxuries, Spain and Portugal wanted a shorter, cheaper, and less complicated route. With new technology, a speedy naval route was just the method to accomplish such a job, while showing the rest of the world how powerful and important one's country is.

    Prompt 2: As Spain and Portugal made contact with the new world, disease and conquest made up the most obvious and visible effects. In addition, Spain and Portugal created a rather unintentional international relationship that ironically filled the mission they were trying to accomplish in the first place. Instead of reaching Asia, Christopher Columbus (among others) aided in bringing the exotic and wild tastes of another culture to their home. Among these new commodities were precious metals and foods not native to Europe. Combined with the transfer to the New World in the Columbian exchange, Spain and Portugal had created the farthest reaching international economy the world had seen thus far. Another long-term effect of discovering the new world is the struggle for a personal freedom and identity in the New World. Throughout its reign, Spain dealt a heavy hand to its colonies, and these poor souls went through a better part of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries fighting for independence, long after much of the world had firmly established itself in the global network. Though the new world was integrated into this larger economy at an early age, it also took a lot longer for it to be able to represent itself independently.

    1. Emily, I completely agree with you! Your responses are very well put. I like how you talked about the importance of naval advances and their impact on exploration. I find it very interesting that in your second prompt you mentioned the struggle for personal identity and freedom. I never gave much thought to that being a result of European expansion but I definitely agree with you. With Europeans coming in and trying to implement all sorts of changes, it must have been difficult to remain an individual.

  72. Prompt 1:
    With both Spain and Portugal vying against one another for power money and territory, either was willing to go to extraordinary lengths to outstrip the other. One such maneuver by Spain could almost be considered an act of desperation. Since Portugal controlled the sea route to India around the tip of Africa, Spain needed a way to get to the treasures that India held, else they be bested by Portugal. This is why Columbus sailed westward, in an attempt to find an alternate route to India. The single most driving force behind the aggressive expansion of the Spanish and Portuguese empires is simple: competition. Both had Growing, ambitious, expansionist-minded governments that were always trying to accommodate ever growing populations and their growing taste for luxuries and exotic fineries. It was the raw materials that they discovered after they realized the new world wasn’t in fact India that sustained their drive to expand into America.

    Prompt 2:
    There were an abundance of long term effects that resulted from Spain and Portugal’s exploration. One could probably argue that everything around us today resulted from the Americas being “discovered” by Europeans. In that case, one must also note the Italian, Amerigo Vespucci. Some less expansive claims of lasting effects would be the creation of a new race of people, the Latin-Native American Mezistos. “To this day, Mexican civilization remains a unique blend of the old world and the new.” As described in the prompt, 90% of Native Americans died because of Spanish and Portuguese exploration and invasion. Undoubtedly thousands of cultural legacies, creeds, religions and languages died with them. The diseases that were introduced during this period, both to the Europeans and the Natives alike remain impacting us today. The European crops and seeds have since been in use since they were introduced, and of course, the “sweet tooth” developed by Europeans during this age has definitely stuck.

  73. Prompt 1: The competition for new territory between Spain and Portugal in the 15th century was huge. Because both conquered nearly an equivalent amount of territory, the want for more was always on the rise. African slaves didn’t help this situation, but inflamed it. The African slaves worked the sugar plantations, creating a major business once the discovery of the New World was made. Spain and Portugal both wanted slaves for agriculture and work; therefore while the growth of slavery was high, the want and need for more working land was high. Once Christopher Columbus stumbled upon an island in the Bahamas on October 12, 1492, all hope was created for the discovery of new land. The New World also had two main raw materials that were wanted by the Europeans; they were the soil (good for the cultivation of sugar cane) and precious metals (which were valuable and rare in Europe). These valuables were set at a high price and were rarely found anywhere in Europe, so the Spanish and Portuguese jumped at an opportunity to riches.

    Prompt 2: Native American life during the time of European exploration was decreased and most of the culture was destroyed forever. In 1769 when Spanish missionaries, led by Father Junipero Serra, stumbled upon California, the Spaniards had discovered the perfect area to spread Christianity. Serra gathered three hundred thousand natives and taught them a new way of life. Although Serra’s goal was made, to convert the Indians into Christians, the “mission Indians” lost their native culture for the new. As the Europeans invaded Mexico, the Europeans and the Indians intermarried, causing a new arrival of culture. They were called Mestizos. Today Mexico is known to be a mixture of both the Old and New World. Native American life was forever changed.

    1. Hi Kristen! I really liked how you worded your first prompt and also I think it's very accurate that you referred to exploration and expansion between the Portuguese and Spanish as a "competition". Also, I liked how in your second prompt, you kind of explained who was responsible for the Indians' conversion to Christianity.

  74. Prompt 1:
    In the 15th century, both Spain and Portugal felt the necessity to expand their empires by discovering trade routes which would then improve their economies. Africa offered fantastic resources such as cash crops and the ability to capture the natives as slaves. Portugal actually took the lead in the trading war with Africa thanks to their invention of the caravel, which is a ship that was designed to be able to sail into the wind, allowing them to advance quicker. Thanks to Africa, the two empires now had good resources and a cheap form of labor. While looking for India however, Christopher Columbus, a Spanish explorer, discovered America, the New World. After word travelled back to Europe, the 3 "G's", God, glory, and gold, really became motives for Europeans to advance to America. Talk of hidden treasures and tales of riches attracted the greedy Europeans who wanted to become prestige. Then, with new land, comes new people and that attracted the Catholic Europeans who wanted to spread the word of God. Spain and Portugal were the most determined empires which allowed them to be the leaders in the quest of the 3 "G's."
    Prompt 2:
    When the Europeans invaded America, not only did the spread of diseases kill many Native Americans, but they also introduced new products of trade and spread their religion, Catholicism. Some new trading items introduced to the natives were animals, such as horses, cows, and pigs. Surprisingly, horses were a giant contribution to the natives because it allowed faster transportation, not only for hunting, but also for gathering food and crops. The Native Americans would trade food, gold, and tobacco for these animals, which improved the Europeans' wealth. When missionaries landed on the New World, they also brought a construction crew with them to build cathedrals to help spread Catholicism. Sadly, for the natives, the new religion was not an option, but rather forced upon them. Another way to control the religion and culture was European men marring native women. This created a whole new race called Mestizos. By doing this, the blend of culture and religion was more controlled, but also opened the door to controversy over the two subjects.

  75. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal found it necessary to expand their empires during the 15th Century era of exploration in order to expand trade, gain power, and spread religion. The ambitions of many European explorers were driven by the desire to obtain goods rarely accessble, such as silk, medicine, and spices. The Portuguese invention of caravels diminished the problems faced by previous explorers and enabled expansion ideals by creating new trade routes and expanding their economies by introducing sugar mills inspired by Arabs and Africans and adapted by the Spanish and Portuguese.

    Prompt 2:
    The loss of Native American life, based upon the diseases carried by European explorers and settlers, which they had immunity to bu the Native Americans did not, wass an unfortunate circumstance of the introduction of world explorers to foreign land. However, the Spanish and Portuguese explorations and hopes for expansion lead to the discovery of new food resources and animals, plants such as potatoes, tobacco and cotton, easily changed the world forever, rapidly feeding Old World populations and providing new means of income. Additionally, Old World explorers introduced new animals such as cattle, swine and horses to the New America, forever changing the Old and New World.

  76. Prompt 1:

    Spain and Portugal lead the European nations into the age of exploration. The Portuguese invention of the caravel allowed the mariners to sail closely into the wind and down the African coast. They also discovered an easy route back to Africa using westward winds which brought sub-Saharan Africa to Europe. Spain gained unity, wealth and power which allowed them to take on discovery, conquest, and colonization. With long-range ocean navigation available and economic factors to support, the two nations were able to take the lead in conquest. The main reasons anyone explores are: God, gold, and glory. Missionaries explore to find converts, conquistadores to find treasure, and explorers to gain success and fame. In the fifteenth century Portugal set up trading posts along the shore for gold and slave trade. Utilizing Arab and African slave practices, they created a systematic traffic for slaves to be bought and sold to work in sugar plantations. The fourteenth century Renaissance encouraged adventure and many people craved to explore the uncharted New World and to discover something that would make them either rich or famous. Along with the desire for gold, the New World was full of raw materials, precious metals, and fertile soil for sugar cane. During this period of colonization, the more land you gained the more strong and powerful of a nation you were. Spain and Portugal both clamored to be on top, to claim land for their kingdoms, and to gain more trade networks for income.

    Prompt 2:

    Spanish and Portuguese explorations brought along many results besides the deaths of natives and extinction of ancient cultures. Silver and other precious metals from the New World brought so much wealth to the European countries that it completely transformed the world economy. From Spain to Italy, money in their banks created the foundation for the modern commercial banking system. The economic growth stimulated the spread of commerce and manufacturing, paid for international trade, and helped grow capitalistic economic systems. Another consequence of exploration of the New World was the discovery and spread of plants and animals. The New World brought new food to European countries, one of the most crucial gifts from the natives. The European diet completely transformed due to the new crops like maize, beans, tomatoes, and potatoes. The food originally found on the American continents makes up about three-fifths of today’s crops. Not only did the Europeans gain gifts, explorers brought cattle, swine, and horses along with them to the New World. The new animals spread through out the continents. In less than two centuries, horses had spread as far as present-day Canadian land. The introduction of horses to the Natives allowed North American Indian tribes to transform their cultures. They were able to be more mobile and to hunt much easier. Along with the animals, Europeans brought sugar cane seedlings which brought a sugar revolution to the new continents. These two results of exploration helped create the world we know today.

  77. Promt 1-
    Spain and Portugal explored "The New World" and Africa during the 15th century for many reasons. Three of the biggest reasons that they led expeditions were for God, gold, and glory. Both the Spanish and the Portuguese felt that it was their duty to spread Christianity to people who did not share their beliefs. They wanted to educate the Native Americans and Africans on their religious views so that they could please their God. The Spanish and Portuguese had also heard tales of wealth and gold in these new nations. Of course this drew their attention, and many expeditions were sent in search of wealth. Most were disappointed because they did not find as much gold as they had hoped for. Most of the explorers also wanted glory. They wanted to be recognized by their people as heroes and discoverers. They thought that if they found something pleasing to the king and queen they might become closer to the royalty. Again, in most cases, their expeditions did not bring them glory.

    Promt 2-
    When the Spanish and Portuguese began exploring the New World they left their mark on it. The Americas were never the same after these explorations began. The Spanish and Portuguese did spread disease and conquest that killed many Native Americans. However they also created a vast empire that spread all the way from California and Florida. They brought some of their own culture to the new world. The Spanish and Portuguese also brought laws and government to Native American societies. They also spread their religion across the New World.

  78. I really liked your response to promt two. I thought that is was very insightful. When looking at this promt I didn't even think of the new population of people that was formed.

  79. Prompt 1: The late 1500's were a time of exploration and discovery. The dominant powers of the time period, Spain and Portugal, sought to expand for a variety of reasons; including gold, slaves, glory, goods, and God. Both countries simply wanted wealth and power. At first, the crusaders brought back stories of the East's luxuries which sparked the interest of Europeans. The Portuguese were looking for a water route to Asia to avoid the Muslim middlemen. If they established trading posts along the way, they would be become wealthy. The Portuguese also needed slaves to provide labor for their plantations in Africa. The Spanish looked to also gain wealth by colonizing and religious teachings. During the late 1500's Spain was full of a generation of honor and status obsessed men. This nurtured a hunger for power that pointed Spain twards New World conquests.

    Prompt 2: The Columbian Exchange was trade on a great scale between two very different worlds. Spanish conquest in parts of the New World influenced the establishment of various Spanish speaking regions today such as South and Central America. As a result, in the southwestern region of the U.S Spanish influence is very prominent. If Spain hadn't conquered the Aztecs, or Mexico, for instance, there wouldn't be as much Spanish influence in America as there is today. Next, the introduction of horses changed how the natives traveled and hunted. The addition of cattle and pigs also changed the meatpacking industry in the U.S. Not only was grassland destroyed because of grazing, but as referenced in The Jungle and Fast Food Nation, the meat industry progressed as the U.S became more populated. The introduction of horses also influenced the Kentucky Derby, among other events, further along history.

  80. Prompt 1:
    Throughout the 15th century European powers Spain and Portugal were the leaders in exploring Africa and stumbling upon the New World. These countries found it necessary to expand their empires during this time because of their eagerness for goods, glory, and spreading the beliefs of Christians. Before Columbus’s voyage, trading with the East, for the Europeans, was too expensive and unprofitable. They were in need of a new route to transport their goods. Columbus, an Italian seafarer, persuaded the Spaniards to supply him with a crew and he set out westward. When he came across the Americas everything seemed to begin changing. Around this same time, the Portuguese had invented a new ship, the caravel, which was capable of sailing closely into the wind, allowing them to reach the new world of sub-Saharan Africa. The Portuguese quickly set up trading posts along the shore of Africa for the purchase of gold and slaves. This is where the origin of the modern plantation system came from. For the Europeans, the discovering of the Americas and establishment in Africa by the Portuguese made it easy for an economy to begin forming. This feed Spain and Portugal’s hunger for glory and wealth. The homeland, Europe, would provide the market, capital, and the technology. Africa would supply the labor force, and the Americas provided the raw materials and soils for some of the cultivation of sugar cane. Both Spain and Portugal were receiving the “glory” by becoming powerful empires and colonizing areas in the New World. The Spaniard’s Christian missionaries took over the Native American’s religions, destroying their temples, and replacing them with their own churches. In the European’s eyes, they were saving the souls of the Natives. They converted many willing people, and eventually created a mestizo population, a combination of the Native Americans and their colonists.
    Prompt 2:
    Although the Europeans exploration of the New World resulted in the death of a majority of the Native American race, they were still left with the crops and culture left behind by the colonists. When the settlers began arriving to settle the lands throughout the Americas, they brought horses, cows, pigs, wheat, sugar, rice, and coffee. Some of the tribes began adopting the horse, allowing them to become mobile and wide ranging hunters. The cows and pigs changed their diets and supplied them with more sources of protein, when before they were mainly surviving off maize. Sugar cane was the cause of thousands of plantations created by the colonists using the African slaves as their labor force. Along with the crops and animals, Europeans contributed to the New World by creating a new race. The race was known as the mestizo people who were a mix between Europeans and Native Americans. Along with this, Christianity also played a huge in changing the way many Natives lived and how they thought. Europeans didn’t simply come and go, killing Natives with disease and conquest.They had brought their customs and ways of life with them, changing the American continents and the people inhabiting them forever.

  81. Prompt 1: During the 15th century the Spaniards and Portuguese were expanding their empires their motto to sum up are because of God, Glory and Gold. The Portuguese, they were setting out for water route to Asia avoiding Muslims. The Portuguese were looking for slaves labor for their plantations, which lead them to going to Africa where they got their work force. Portugal therefore went with their caravels into Africa setting up slaves trade route in the West.This gave them advantaged in controlling the coast line of Africa because goods such as silk, spices etc. The Spaniards came too late, around this time Portugal pretty much controlled everything.On these voyages and trips across the globe, the Spaniards and Portuguese spread and preach the words of God.

    Prompt 2: Two additional long terms results due to the Spaniards and Portuguese exploring the New World were, bringing goods that is new to the Natives such as livestock.The Natives started to adapt to the new things the Portuguese and Spaniards bought over.With good comes bad, the Spaniards and Portuguese started to grow cash crops to sell, but only cash crops. The Natives started to become hungry and dying from starvation. The Europeans contributed to the New World by making a completely new race. The new race is called Mestizos, they are people who are mix between the two races. The Europeans truly changed the way of life of the Natives when they bought Christianity and believing in God into the lives of the Natives.

    1. Tu, I really like how you brought the 3 G's into your reasoning for the Spanish and Portuguese expansion. Also, I completely agree with your long-term effect of the growing of cash crops.

    2. The 3 G's were definately a huge reason. The mestizo race and livestock were also huge affects of exploration and were great to mention.

  82. Hey Ciaran! In the text, they do talk about the spread of Christianity and competition being major motivators for Spain and Portugal to expand their empires, but what I find interesting is that despite these other motivators, gold and profit still seems to be the most important one. In your response to the first prompt you also focused mostly on the money and the means for getting the money as a motivator for expansion, as did most people in their responses, because that seems to be the most important reason for expansion. I just think it's interesting that while there are three G's that describe motives, god, glory, and gold, only one of the three seems legitimate. The article in the text book about the Spanish Conquistadores makes a comment that states that while all Conquistadores had their own reasons for expanding the empire, "nearly all shared a lust for gold." To me this is honestly very sad, to think that an entire untouched world was only searched and destroyed for its wealth, and that many civilizations and entire races were destroyed in search of something as trivial as gold. Entire cultures and ways of life that could have been largely influential were thrown away for profit, and ironically enough, a profit that only inflated Europe’s economy to staggering heights. It’s ironic and also interesting to think that mindset that lead to the inflation and economic problems we experience now goes all the way back to the greed of the people who helped build the world the way it is now.

  83. Prompt 1:
    Spain and Portugal both had many reasons to expand their empire during the 15th century. One major event that contributed to this was the crusades. European crusaders acquired a taste of all the exotic goods they encountered during the crusades, but these goods were not cheap due to the enormous distances they had to be transported across. This cost alone was good reason for Spain and Portugal to explore in order to find faster and more efficient routes to exotic lands. Europe’s limited contact with Africa would also be a good reason for exploration. About two-thirds of Europe’s gold was from Africa, however Europeans had only reached the northern tip of Africa. Tales of gold rich kingdoms were reason enough for the Portuguese to use their new maritime advance to search for wealth in encountered parts of Africa.
    Prompt 2:
    The exploration of the New World by the Portuguese and Spanish brought about many long term effects. One of these effects was the complete destruction of many Native American cultures and ways of life. This was caused by the European spread of disease, which wiped out many Native Americans and resulted in their cultures being erased from existence. Another effect of exploration was the introduction of new foods to Europe. Many of the new foods found in the New World, such as potatoes became part of the European die, which had a permanent effect on Europe.

  84. Prompt 1: The explorations of the Spanish and Portuguese into Africa and the New World was fueled by the intent of finding/spreading god, becoming glorious, and the riches of gold. However, the expansion of these conflicting forces were in need of trade routes and work forces which led to the technological advantage of the Caravel. Portugal was in a dilemma due to the lack of work force they had to work the plantations and other good industries. As a result, the expansion of the Portuguese into Africa created a direct slave trade route and took control of many other goods far before the Spaniards got to Africa. The success of both the Portuguese and Spaniards influenced them to travel across the Atlantic to discover the New World.

    Prompt 2: Throughout the exploration of the Europeans, the Natives definetely experienced the worst of it all do to the amount of labor they were forced to do and the lack of food that drove them to starvation. Some positive effects of the Europeans was the teaching of new knowledge to the Natives and how they brought goods such as livestock which allowed them to adapt quickly and efficiently.

  85. Prompt 1: Spain and Portugal found it necessary to expand their empires by means of exploration for economic gains and also for the continuation of spreading Catholicism. After the significant increase in demand for fine goods such as spices and precious metals after the journey of Marco Polo, the Crusades, and learning about the wealthy Mali kingdom, Spain and Portugal realized that great economic wealth could be gained by finding easier, less expensive ways to obtain the desired goods. These countries wanted to find a cheaper, easier route to travel to get these goods so it would not be necessary to travel the long, expensive, traditional routes to get to the West Indies, China and India. With the very cheap labor provided by American Indians and African slaves, expanding their empires became all the more economical and desired. Secondly, Spain and Portugal strongly desired to spread their national faith of Catholicism. Spain especially wanted to after the Spanish Armada which occurred in the 1400s, expelling the Muslim Moors, restoring Christianity and unifying the nation. By expanding their empires, Spain and Portugal had an enormous opportunity to convert many to their faith. Both these factors ultimately lead to stronger nation states, which additionally played a factor in their desire for expansion.

    Prompt 2: Other than the decimation of the native American peoples, many long-lasting affects resulted from Spanish and Portuguese expansion to the Americas. One in particular was the spread of the cultures of these nations such as the Catholic faith and national languages. Spain made more of an impact in this respect than Portugal due to the much greater amount of territory obtained via the Treaty of Tordesillas. The Spanish and Portuguese languages and customs still exist on a very large scale to this day in Latin America. Catholicism is the prominent religion in this region due to the many missionaries and the brutal ecomienda system present during the age of exploration. Another monumental affect of Spanish and Portuguese expansion is modern-day cities and the many nations established by colonists of these countries during the 15th and 16th centuries. The cities if Mexico City, Lima, San Paolo, and many others along with all of the Latin American nations were established and solidified by the Spanish and Portuguese and are still prominent today. These explorations also prompted England and France to explore North America. As a result, the original American colonies and Canadian establishments evolved into huge, independent nations.Essentially, long-term results of Spanish and Portuguese exploration involved the spread of culture and establishing many nations still in existance today.

    1. Hi Katarina, I agree with your point that two main reasons for expansion were to gain economic wealth and to spread the Catholic religion. I think many people see the driving force behind the quest to find a western route to the Indies as a desire for fine goods, but I think it was even more so for the wealth gained through selling the goods. Similarly in Spain, although desire for conquest drove the newly united country, I believe the chance to spread Catholicism was an even stronger force.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Prompt 1: In the 15th century the Spanish and Portuguese had many reasons to expand their empires such as God, glory, and gold in Africa and the New World. During the 1500's Spain and Portugal traveled to Africa and the New World also because of trade. They went to Africa and got into slave trading and found new trade routes there and while searching for better trade routes and better passage to Asia the europeans stumbled upon America. Portugal and Spain were receiving much glory by expanding their empire into the Americas, getting labor from Africa, and getting an abundance of resources from the the expansion into the New World.

    Prompt 2: After the discovery of the New World by the Spanish and Portuguese the Indian civilization was never the same. Besides the extreme losses in the population the Spaniards and Portuguese also brought different changes including the bringing over of livestock from the european nations and new food that was brought over such as sugar canes which were very popular in Europe. . The bringing over of livestock benefited the Indians much who adapted to the the animals well such as the horse who helped tribes such as the apaches very much. Columbus introduced sugar canes to the New World which grew very well in the warm caribbean climate.

  88. Prompt 1: During the 15th century all of the European nations were fighting for expansion throughout the New World and Africa, and Spain and Portugal were among them. Both Spain and Portugal wanted to expand multiple parts of their counttry. First of all, both of them wanted more money, a better economy, and a big part of that is trade. The trade route they previously had set up was too lengthy for efficent and profitable trade. In an effort to improve trade, they looked for a new route to get to the spices and silk of Eastern Asia, and ended up finding the New World. With all of the natural resources in the New World and labor force that could be acquired from Africa, the idea of expanding empires was prime. Spain and Portugal both saw the opportunity to take over an untouched land where they could set up profitable plantations, trade new goods, and influence the Native people to convert to Christianity. The competitive nature of these countries attributed to the massive amount of resources and effort that was being put into the New World.

    Prompt 2: Spain and Portugal not only affected the Nomadic tribes of the 15th century, but the agriculutre and religious views of the New World, spanning all the way until present day. Spain and Portugal brought over crops, such as potatos, corn, beans, and tabacco. These are still in our diet today and formed the diet of the New World in its early development. Not only did they bring crops but animals like horses, cows, and pigs too. Horses were a big part in exploration of new territories and helped unfold the countries we know today. Spain and Portugal didn't only affect agriculture but religious culture. Introducing Christianity to the New World has had a lasting effect. They institued Christianity and shaped the look of Western religion that we know today. Without Spain and Portugal's contributions, North American life wouldn't be the same, diverse thing that we know today.

  89. Prompt 1: In the 15th century, Spain and Portugal had many reasons to expand their empires. One reason was the three G's: God, Gold, and Glory. They wanted to spread the word of God and convert should to Christianity. Of course, mostly Portugal, trading and ports were necessary for money. The explorers also wanted to make their way into history and become famous for their expedition. They went to Africa for the slave trade and while they were searching for an easier route to Asia, the Europeans accidentally discovered the New World. Decades after Columbus made this discovery, the Treat of Tordesillas stated Spain and Portugal split the land. They were both looking for something different: Spain, land; Portugal, trade.

    Prompt 2: Other than disease and conquest, long term results of exploration by the Spanish and Portuguese in the New World include the spread of cultures and new species such as livestock that the Spaniards brought in with them. The livestock helped the Native Americans after the horses found their way to America through Hispaniola and Mexico. The horses became the Native Americans way of transportation very fast. The spread of cultures include religion of Europe such as Christianity and to this day, it is still practiced all over America.
